Izpisúa shares his passion for research with UCAM health students
The UCAM Professor of Developmental Biology and Director of the San Diego Science Institute of Altos Labs (USA) has met with more than 600 students, to whom he has conveyed the importance of research in the field of health.

The Inter-University Council approves the UCAM Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Medicine for this coming academic year
The Inter-University Council approves the UCAM Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Medicine for this coming academic year

UCAM has developed an application to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation at schools
Under the direction of researchers Manuel Pardo (Health Sciences) and Rafael Melendreras (Telecommunications), in her theses, Miriam Mendoza has designed a video game to facilitate the learning of this technique in children

UCAM will introduce Medicine at its Cartagena Campus for the next academic year
ANECA has approved this Bachelor’s Degree that will be launched with 60 places for new students in addition to the 90 places available in Murcia

Online UCAM Open Days
This Wednesday (5:00 pm), it will be held the first session with the degrees of the Faculty of Legal and Business Sciences

Miguel Motas: “It is a privilege to be a UCAM student and have these facilities”
The Regional Government’s Minister of Universities visited today the university dental clinic ‘UCAM Dental’ and the building of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at Los Jerónimos Campus

Healthier homes to reduce mortality and morbidity rate in Europe
The new ‘BIMhealthy’ European Project, coordinated by UCAM, analyses BIM (Building Information Modelling) houses behaviour to prevent cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.<br /> <br />

The first doctors of the Catholic University are already choosing their specializations
UCAM graduated, who had the best grades in the MIR exam have been assigned their places. The rest of the students are waiting for their placements, to be received shortly.