Direct access to resources, tools and services for UCAM students
Orientation and Work Placement Service
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get information about accommodation?
The University has a service that is exclusively dedicated to finding accommodation, which provides information and options, legal advice, translation service, etc. Spain Student Housing is located in the Institutional Relations Department, on the first floor of the Monastery. You can contact it by phone at +34 968 277971; +34 659 685 673 or email at info@spainhousing.es
What is the University Defender?
The University Ombudsman is a figure created to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of teachers, students and administration and service staff in the face of the actions of the various university bodies and services. More information.
Where can I get my University Card?
The University Card is a smart card, produced in collaboration with Santander Bank, which identifies Students, Teaching and Research Staff and Administration and Service Staff as members of the university community. With it you can enjoy a wide range of facilities and services both inside and outside the University.
More information.
What kind of scholarships are available at the University?
The University offers several types of scholarships and grants for its students that can be found in the scholarship section of our website.
More information.
Where can I go if I need medical assistance?
The University has a First Aid Service. In case of emergency, go to the access points, Caretaker’s Office or Control Service.
Admission and Secretariat
You can check your record through Laurea Academic.
You can consult your average mark through Laurea Academic, within the “Consulta de Expediente” (Consult your record) section in the print version, by previously selecting the option “incluir nota media del expediente” (to include the average mark of the record).
How can I apply for exemption from attendance?
You can apply for exemption from attendance through this form.
You can apply for various types of certificates through the secretariat.
More information.
How can I modify my registration?
You can request a modification of your registration after the deadline, or a registration of more than 78 credits or more subjects than those authorised during the registration period.
IT Service
You can change the password for all UCAM applications at key.ucam.edu.
The University's Wi-Fi network has as its identifier (SSID): Eduroam is the global secure mobility service developed for the academic and research community. You can find here all the information you need to set it up.
Where can I find out which is my UCAM email? What is my UCAM user?
If you don’t remember what your UCAM email is, you can find it out here with your UCAM user, which is the first 8 digits of your ID/passport or if the 2019/2020 academic year was your first year with us -> IdUCAM (the one that starts with 2), and you can find it in the welcome email.
What are the possibilities of using applications offered by the University?
The University has the Virtual API cloud platform that allows you to access, from any device with an internet connection, a large number of computer applications. You can find all the information about how to use it on this link.
What international mobility programmes can I access?
The University has exchange agreements with universities all over the world. The partner universities are European (through the Erasmus programme, Erasmus Traineeship and Erasmus for teachers), Spanish (through the SICUE programme), or from outside Europe (North America, Latin America, Asia, Oceania, Africa and the Russian Federation), through different exchange programmes. All the information is available here.
Does the University offer psychological support?
The University has a Psychological Assessment and Counseling Service, whose role is to provide guidance to the university community in those situations and psychological problems that may arise in its members.
More information
Yes, the University has the Curricular Adaptation Service that collaborates closely with the UCAM Group of Tutors, the Psychological Assessment Service and the Degree of reference for the student, with the main objective of helping all our students achieve an adequate academic development.
More information.
How can I get information about all the activities organised at the university?
You can find all the information about the events that take place at the university on eventos.ucam.edu.
University map