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Request / Procedures

General Requests

The University has various models of official certificates available for the students according to their needs:

  • Personal academic certificate: It includes personal data, the degree, the academic year and the subjects with their respective marks, if any.
  • Registration certificate: It includes personal data and the degree that is being studied by the student in the academic year he/she requests. It may or may not include the total amount of the registration. Additionally, if the student specifies it in the request, it includes the year and subjects to which he/she is registered, the amount of each subject and if it is the first registration or not.
  • Credit recognition certificate: Includes personal details, studies, year, subjects and an origin/destination list of the recognised subjects.


Administrative taxes for each type of certificate

Instructions Requests

If the student needs to make any other request to the secretariat, he/she can do that through the support platform by specifying the request with maximum clarity and accuracy.

Instructions Requests

Registration to Free-choice Seminars (LE) / Sociocultural Activities. Socio- cultural activities:



In Laurea Academic you can see your personal record and manage your registration and your payments.



Students Requests

Once the six calls corresponding to a subject are used up, the student, in order to continue his/her studies in the degree, must request the Additional Exceptional Call (CAG).

Requirements and conditions:

  • Once the six calls corresponding to a subject have been used up, the student, in order to continue his/her degree studies, must request the Additional Exceptional Call (CAG) in the Central Secretariat, which will transfer the request to the Vice-Chancellorship of Quality and Academic Organisation (VCOA) that will study and assess it.
  • The student will register to the subject and he/she will have the right to an assessment call linked to this registration.
  • The student can register with the ordinary mode and continue his/her studies in the other subjects while the additional exceptional call is resolved.
  • The degree will define a follow-up plan in agreement with the student, and the plan will be sent to the VCOA, so that the student can attend the exams with guarantees.
  • The student must necessarily attend the assessment test before the end of the academic year in force, otherwise the additional exceptional call for exam will be considered as expired and he/she will not be able to continue his/her studies in this university.

Instructions Requests

If the student wants to request a modification of registration outside from the deadline or wishes to carry out a registration of more than 78 credits or of more subjects than the ones authorised when the registration is carried out in the registration period, he/she must make a request of modification of registration.

In these type of requests, the student must specify with details the reasons for which he/she could not carry out this type of modification at the time, and he/she must also attach, where needed, if he/she deems it appropriate, some sort of justification (work or personal justification) to support his/her request.

Instructions Requests

If the student wishes to request the exemption from attendance, he/she must do that through this form.


Instructions Requests

If a student needs to modify his/her personal data, he/she must make the request through the support by specifying with maximum clarity and accuracy the data to be modified.


Instructions Requests

Through this request, the students who have registered more than once can request to be linked to the exceptional assessment call. In compliance with UCAM Assessment Regulation, the exceptional assessment call, which will take place in general in November:

  • A. Will be applicable if the student, in order to finish his/her studies, has to pass, at most:
    • In Bachelor’s Degree teachings: three subjects and the undergraduate dissertation (TFG) or a group of subjects that corresponds to a total amount of 30 ECTS at most.
    • In Master’s Degrees: two subjects and the Master's Thesis (TFM) or a group of subjects that corresponds to a total amount of 15 ECTS at most.
  • B. The students who want to participate in this exceptional call for exams must:
    • Formalise the registration linked to this special call for exams within the ordinarily established deadline. Once the deadline is expired, the student cannot modify in any way the registration.
    • Compulsorily take the exam of each of the subjects pending to finish his/her studies. In order to do so, the student will have two calls for each year and registration, that is: the first one on the dates that are ordinarily established during each year for the exceptional call of November, and the second one in the following assessment call (Ordinary Call of February/May, depending on the timing of the subject in the curriculum).
  • C. If the student doesn't pass the subject/s assessed in the Special Call, the assessment tools passed during that same call will not have an eliminatory nature in the following Ordinary Call.

In case of second or successive registration, the teacher assesses the student on the formative activities and on the learning outcomes related to the previous year exclusively in the Special Call for exams. In the Ordinary or Recovery Call, the formative program of the exam will be developed in the subject by the teacher during the current academic year. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Registration deadline.




Given the need for Universities to guarantee equal opportunities for students and other members of the university community with disabilities and/or special needs, our University has equipped itself with a Curriculum Adaptation Service (Servicio de Adaptaciones Curriculares, SAC), which is part of this Vice-Chancellorship, in order to respond to the demands of students, teachers and administration and services personnel in this area.

The activities to be developed by SAC will be addressed to:

  1. Students who have a Disability Certificate or a document that officially recognises any degree of disability, which could hinder the regular monitoring of the course to which they are registered.
  2. Students with special needs without a Disability Certificate, which could affect the ordinary monitoring of the course to which they are registered.
  3. Students with temporary needs (accidents, serious illness) which prevent them from following the ordinary planning of the course to which they are registered.

SAC functions:

  1. This service will be responsible for managing the requests of students and other members of the university community who require some type of special academic adaptation, applying, among other measures, the recommendations established by the Conference of Spanish University Rectors (Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas, CRUE) in its Adaptation Guide in the University, and monitoring them throughout the academic year.
  2. To offer advice to students and teachers on issues related to disability.
  3. To promote specific training for teachers on pedagogical and educational strategies to be adopted in class.
  4. To promote awareness actions for the full integration of these students inside and outside our university environment.

The Curricular Adaptation Service will collaborate closely with the UCAM Group of Tutors, the Psychological Assessment Service and the Degree of reference for the student, with the main objective of helping all our students with their adequate academic development.



Instructions Requests

Students may request a change in the teaching modality (face-to-face/blended learning/online) before the beginning of the registration renewals of the new academic year, through request to the Central Secretariat. The concession of such change will be contingent upon the full implementation of the courses in the various teachings.

The student can request a change of campus if he/she is registered in an official degree of the UCAM that is taught simultaneously in Murcia and in Cartagena and he/she wants to continue his/her studies in a different campus. To request the change of campus there must be available places in the same degree, as established by the verification reports of ANECA (National Quality Assessment and Accreditation Agency of Spain).

Graduate/Alumni Requests

From the 2023/24 academic year, the students who have passed all the subjects, except one, that lead to obtaining the official degree they are studying according to the corresponding curriculum, can use the modality of “Compensatory Assessment”, prior request to the Central Secretariat, if they also meet the following requirements:

  • To be registered to the requested subject in the current academic year and before the submission of the application of compensatory assessment, regardless of whether it is an ordinary registration or a registration linked to the additional exceptional call.
  • To have used up at least two assessment calls, within the general regime of continuation of studies of the university, and to have attended the corresponding final exams, having obtained a mark equal to or higher than 3.5 in some of the rounds to which the student has presented himself/herself..
  • The subject to be compensated must be exclusively of a compulsory or basic nature. A maximum of one subject of those linked to the Integral Education Module may be compensated, and DECA subjects may not be compensated in any case.
  • To have pending, in order to finish the studies, only and exclusively the credits of the subject that he/she wishes to compensate and the Undergraduate Dissertation (TFG), which cannot be subject to compensation in any case.
  • The students must not have any disciplinary proceeding pending, nor be waiting for any disciplinary sanction.
  • The application must be submitted to the Central Secretary's Office during the period open for this purpose from the first day of the period established for each official evaluation period, according to the academic calendar, and the following July 31, being an essential requirement that the official grade report of the subject/s to be compensated, and where the grade obtained is recorded, be previously closed.
  • The fact of meeting the requirements and requesting the “Compensatory Assessment modality” does not give the right to receive a favourable resolution or to consider the subject as passed.
  • The students who pass the subject with the Compensatory Assessment modality will have a 5 mark in their record, with an indication of Compensatory Assessment.
  • The assessment by compensation will entail the payment of the amount for each academic year determined by the Central Secretariat (50 Euro).


Notwithstanding the academic regime applicable to the compensated evaluation in force since the academic year 2023/24, an exceptional transitional academic regime applicable exclusively to the applications for compensated evaluation linked to the Special Call for Evaluation of the academic year 2023/24, whose requirements are included in the Assessment Regulation of the UCAM Catholic University of Murcia, is exceptionally articulated.

Instructions Application

Once the certificate is available for the student, he/she will be informed by email and he/she will be able to download it through the electronic office.


Instructions Request

The student can request the prior appointment for the collection of diplomas.


Prior appointment


If you have completed your program in the academic year 2019-2020 onwards, you have to proceed within the Laurea student portal by following the instructions that we annexed to you below. You will only be able to process the degree if your file is in the status of "Closed in disposition of degree", you will have to pay the fees of the degree with a credit card (TPV) and once the process is finished in a period no longer than 5 working days you will receive notification from the Universidad Católica so that you can download the receipt and the certificate of completion of studies from our electronic headquarters.

You should not send any kind of mail with documentation to be processed for the degree, unless from the title section is claimed some kind of documentation

*Payment fees exemptions from students who are studying: 


Instructions Request


If you have finished in the course before 19/20 you have to process through this platform, and once you have paid the fees, please send it to us by email along with the current ID or passport to proceed with your request.

VERY IMPORTANT: Do not forget to review your personal data so that it appears correctly on your academic documents. If you do not report the error, you will be charged with a fee for a new diploma.
You will be notified by email when your final certificate is available at the university, and in that email you will be instructed on how to obtain it at provincial delegations or embassies. It usually takes about two years.


Official mentions for students who graduated before 18-19
