Admission test for people over 25 and 45 years
- Information on Admission test for people over 25
- Information on Admission test for people over 45
- Training Course for Admission test for people over 25 and 45. More information:
Documents to submit:
You must send the documents to by specifying in the subject “Admission test for people over 25/45/40”.
- Proof of registration for the tests paid.
- ID card scanned on both sides.
- Completed and signed affidavit.
Registration for Admission test
Information regarding the subjects:
- Commentary of a text and Spanish language
- Foreign language (English)
- History of Spain and History of Art
Programme of the subjects:
Previous calls exams:
Contact details:
Germán Rinaldi Gonzalez
Telephone:(+34)968 278 800
Admission for people over the age of 40
Documents to submit:
You must send the documents togrinaldi@ucam.eduby specifying in the subject “Admission test for people over 25/45/40"
- Proof of registration for the tests paid.
- ID card scanned on both sides.
- Documents that prove your professional experience.
- DCompleted and signed affidavit:
Registration for Admission test
Contact details:
Germán Rinaldi Gonzalez
Telephone: (+34)968 278 800