In accordance with Ley 34/2002 de 11 de julio de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico [Law 34/2002 of 11 July on services of the information society and e-commerce] we inform you that the owner of the “ucam.edu” domain is:
Corporate Tax Identification Number: G30626303
Address: Avenida Los Jerónimos, 135 GUADALUPE 30107 Murcia
Telephone number: 968278815
Contact details of the Data Protection Officer: dpd@ucam.edu
Filed in the REGISTRO DE FUNDACIONES DE COMPETENCIA ESTATAL POR ORDEN MINISTERIAL DE 27/06/1988 with assigned registration number 145.
The object of the following terms and conditions of use is to define the conditions which govern the publishing and use of the web pages and services located at the web address www.ucam.edu and to regulate such use. Any user who accesses the information and services offered at the stated domain is subject to this document. Moreover, certain services may be affected by specific terms and conditions which are accessible, as appropriate, via the corresponding portals and which the user is required to read and comply with.
Users have the following obligations while using the information and services offered through ucam.edu:
Users agree and undertake to use the Website and the Contents and to access the services in accordance with current legislation, the Legal Notice, and any other notice or instructions made known to them, either by means of this Legal Notice or in any other place within the Contents which conform the Website, as well as with the generally accepted rules of coexistence, morality and good customs.
To this end, Users agree and undertake NOT to use any of the Contents for illicit purposes or effects, or prohibited in the Legal Notice or by current legislation, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or which may, in any way, damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Contents, computer equipment or documents, files and all types of content stored in any computer equipment belonging to or contracted by UCAM, other Users or any third party (hardware or software).
Users agree and undertake not to transfer, disseminate or make any kind of material contained on this Website available to third parties. This material may include information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material to which they have access as Users of the Website, this list not exhaustive.
In some cases, virtual storage space will be available to Users, but it will always be subject to the space availability on the platform's servers. Changes in storage limits and access to the service will be communicated to Users via email or SMS along with instructions for compliance with the new conditions.
Furthermore, in accordance with the foregoing, Users shall not:
Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless explicit written authorisation has been granted in writing by UCAM, which is the owner of the corresponding rights, or unless legally
permitted to do so.Delete, manipulate or alter the copyright and other data identifying the reservation of rights by UCAM or its holders, the digital fingerprints and/or identifiers, or any other technical means established for their recognition in any way.
Engaging in illicit or illegal activities of any kind, and in particular, disseminating racist, xenophobic, pornographic, or sexist propaganda, or content which constitutes apology for terrorism, or which threatens human rights. Acting in detriment to the rights to privacy, honour, self-image or the dignity of persons is also prohibited.
Disseminate false, incorrect or inaccurate statements or references about the UCAM websites and services.
Introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems which may cause the aforementioned damage.
Use the Student’s Portal or any other service for any commercial or business purposes.
UCAM would like to bring to the attention of users of its website its policy on the processing and protection of personal data which is collected from users on the site for the purposes of the correct display of the site, the use of the services offered on the site, social networks and other digital media.
The collection of personal data, its processing and subsequent use are subject to the current legislation in Spain on data protection, under the Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal [Organic Law on The Protection of Personal Data] (hereinafter LOPD) and its complementary legislation, and by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
UCAM shall only be responsible for, and guarantee the confidentiality and security of, personal data which it collects from site users through its site. It shall not hold any responsibility with respect to the processing and subsequent use of personal data which might be carried out by third party service providers who act outside of the website.
When is personal data collected from users of this website?
UCAM informs its users that the collection of personal data can be carried out, principally through the forms that UCAM includes on the site in the future, and in those that identify UCAM as responsible for the data collected through these forms.
UCAM informs site users that the optional or obligatory nature of the provision of the entirety of the data solicited will be indicated in advance.
If you do not want UCAM to process your personal data, we ask that you refrain from filling in the current forms on the website. In any case, we will inform you expressly and in readable form of the conditions under which personal data is gathered and the purposes for which they will be used, of any obligation to provide this data, of the rights which are available to the user, of the conditions in which they can exercise these rights, and of any other complimentary information which proves necessary.
The purpose of collecting and processing personal data.
With respect to personal data gathered via email and/or completion of the forms on the website, the purposes of processing shall be the following:
- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: To handle your request for information, we will include your data in the contacts list, provide you with the information requested, review your request and send you communications relating to your request which may be of interest to you.
- STUDENT AREA: To create an account to access the Private Area and allow you access to the information and services available in that section.
- LIBRARY: To provide electronic access to library resources.
- CURRICULUM: To provide access to job offers and job exchange.
- COOKIES: For information on the purposes of the use of cookies please consult our “Cookie Policy”.
Automated individual decision-making
UCAM does not use entirely automated decisions processes to enter into, develop, or end a contractual relationship with you. For the purposes of offering you products and/or services according to your interests and enhance your user experience, we may create a “commercial profile” based on the information offered. Nonetheless, we will not undertake automated decision-making on the basis of this profile.
Lawful basis
The lawful basis of the processing of personal data is the consent of the user in accepting the privacy policy and in sending us your personal data. The user can withdraw their consent at any time.
For the processing of personal data, the Controller shall guarantee and safeguard the public liberties and fundamental rights of physical persons whose data is held on record, in particular their honour and family and personal privacy, and is thus obligated to carry out the corresponding processing of data in accordance with the current regulations at all times, and to store the information of its users with the highest confidentiality.
Personal data that is processed shall not be used for other purposes which are not listed here, or where appropriate, for other documents or contracts which bind both parties with particular conditions.
Other than express consent on the part of users, no transfer nor communication of data to third parties which are not provided for under the LOPD are permitted.
The Controller shall take measures to guarantee that every person who acts under its authority and has access to personal data may solely process this data in accordance with the Controller’s instructions, save where they are obligated to do otherwise by the law of the European Union or of its Member States.
The Controller informs users that, taking into account the state of the technology, the costs of application, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing as well as the variable risks of probability and gravity to the rights and liberties of physical persons, the Controller and, where appropriate, the Processor shall apply the appropriate technical and organisational measures to guarantee a level of security suitable to the risk.
Exercise of rights
The Controller informs you that users can exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, the right to object, the right to restrict processing and portability of their data, through any of the following means:
The exercise of rights on behalf of the user shall be carried out by sending a written communication as well as a photocopy of the National Identification document or other valid identification under law of the user to the following address: UCAM, at Avenida Los Jerónimos 135 30107 Guadalupe (Murcia). This communication must contain the following information:
First name and surname of the user.
The basis on which the request is made.
Address for notification purposes, date, and signature of the user.
Documents substantiating the request which is made, where appropriate.
Via email to dpd@ucam.edu to which communications should be sent from the account registered in our files. This communication must contain the same information outlined in the previous section.
UCAM informs its users that the exercise of these rights is highly personal, thus only the user can exercise these rights with respect to the personal data of which they are the legitimate owner. Nonetheless, in exceptional cases, the authorised representative of the user may exercise these rights, to which the user is entitled under the terms outlined above, as long as they are accompanied by the indicated communication with accredited documentation of their status as representative.
Period for which data is held
Identifying personal data is held while there is a contractual relationship between the student or the interested party, while they are registered within the service and have not expressly requested the de-registration and erasure of their data, and always within the minimum period provided by law.
When the data is no longer necessary or relevant for the purposes for which it was collected or registered, it shall be deleted. Where the data collected is required for a purpose different than that for which it was collected, the consent of the interested party must be obtained in advance.
If the user is a minor, UCAM will have to rely on the consent of the minor’s parents, guardians or legal representatives for communication of the minor’s personal data, for which reason UCAM requests that minors refrain from using the email service and/or filling in forms without the consent of parents, guardians or legal representatives. If this consent is not obtained, UCAM shall not be held responsible for the actions of the minor.
UCAM provides to certain users, based on their relationship with UCAM, access to certain services which require identification and authentication of the user.
In the use of such services, the user shall have the following obligations:
To maintain the confidentiality of the access keys or passwords to restricted services. Providing user details or passwords to third parties is prohibited.
Passwords must not be stored in files or media or any other place in which they can be accessed by persons without authorisation.
Users must always use secure passwords which contain eight or more characters, capital letters, numbers or symbols, and which should not be words, names or concepts.
Access to these applications is prohibited without the corresponding authorisation. UCAM shall only be responsible for the security measures related to access to these services.
The design, source code, logos, brands and other distinguishing signs which appear on the ucam.edu domain belong to UCAM and are protected by corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. The reproduction, whether total or partial, of the content covered by this document without permission is prohibited.
This web page uses cookies. Cookies are small text files generated by web pages when you visit them, which contain details on the session which can be useful later on the web page. In this way, this website records information about your visit, which can make your next visit easier and make the Website more useful.
How do cookies work?
Cookies can only store text and are usually anonymous. No personal information will be stored in a cookie, nor can it be associated with an identified or identifiable person.
This data allows the Website to maintain information across pages and also to analyse the form in which users interact with the Website. Cookies are secure and can only store information which is put in place by the browser, namely information that the user has entered into the browser or that is included on the page request. They cannot execute code and cannot be used to access your computer. If a webpage encrypts information from the cookie, only that webpage can read the information.
What types of cookies do we use?
The cookies used by this Webpage can be distinguished along the following criteria:
1. Types of cookies based on the entity which manages them:
According to which entity manages the device or domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data which is obtained by them, cookies can be categorised as:
First party cookies: These are cookies which are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from a terminal or domain managed by the publisher and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
Third party cookies: These are cookies which are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a terminal or domain which is not managed by the site publisher, but by another entity which processes the data obtained from the cookies.
Where cookies are installed from a terminal or domain managed by the site publisher, but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, these will not be considered as first party cookies.
2. Types of cookies according to the period of time for which they are active:
Based on the period of time in which cookies are active on the terminal equipment, cookies can be categorised as:
Session cookies: These types of cookies are designed to collect and store data while the user is accessing a web page. They are often used to store information which is only conserved for the purposes of providing the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g., a list of products acquired).
Permanent cookies: These types of cookies are stored in the user’s terminal and can be accessed or processed during a defined period of time by the entity responsible for the cookie, which can range from a period of minutes to several years.
3. Types of cookies according to purpose:
Cookies can also be categorised based on the purpose of the data obtained through them:
Technical: These are cookies which allow the user to navigate through a webpage, platform or application and the use of different options or services existing on the webpage, platform or application, for example, to control traffic and the communication of data, to identify the session, to access restricted sections, to remember the items in an order, to carry out a purchase, to carry out a request for subscription or participation in an event, to use security elements during navigation, to store content for the broadcast of videos or sound, or to share content through social networks.
Personalisation cookies: These are cookies which permit the user to access the service, using some general predefined characteristics as a set of criteria in the user’s terminal, for example, the language, type of browser from which the service is being accessed, the regional configuration from which the service is being accessed, etc.
Analysis cookies: These are cookies which allow the entity responsible for them to follow and analyse the behaviour of users on the websites to which they are associated. The information collected through this type of cookie is used for the evaluation of activity on websites, applications, or platforms and to create navigation profiles for users of those sites, applications and platforms, with the purpose of implementing improvements through the analysis of the usage data created by users of the service.
Cookie Management Tool.
This web page uses Google Analytics.
Google Analytics is a free web analysis tool by Google which principally permits owners of websites to understand how users interact with their website. Thus, it enables cookies in the domain of the Site which you are using, and it is used in conjunction with cookies named "__utma" and "__utmz" to compile information in an anonymous way and create reports on user habits without identifying individual users.
For user data statistics on this Website, we use cookies for the purpose of understanding the number of return visitors to our site and the content they find most interesting. In this way, we can concentrate our efforts on improving the most visited areas and make it easier for the user to find what they are looking for. This website may use information on your visit to perform evaluations and statistical calculations on anonymous data, as well as guaranteeing the continuity of the service or to carry out improvements to its sites. For further details, consult the privacy policy at the following link [http://www.google.com/intl/es/policies/privacy/]
How are cookies managed on your device: cookie deactivation and deletion
All internet users may limit the behaviour of a cookie or deactivate cookies using their browser options settings. The required steps differ with each browser. Instructions can be found in the respective browser’s help menu.
If you do not accept the use of cookies, since it is possible to reject them using preference menus or settings in your browser, this website will continue to function properly without them.
You can permit, block or delete cookies installed on your device using the options in the browser installed on your device:
For more information on Internet Explorer, click here, or on how to block, enable or allow cookies, click here.
For more information on Chrome, click here.
For more information on Safari, click here.
For more information on Firefox, click here.
Through your browser, you can see the cookies stored on your computer, and erase them as you choose. Cookies are text files, which means you can open them and read their content. The data on them is almost always encoded with a numerical key which corresponds to an Internet session, for which reason they often have no meaning outside of the webpage which created them.
Informed consent
The use of the present webpage on your part indicates that you have provided your express and unequivocal consent to the terms and conditions provided in this Cookie Policy, without prejudice to the cookie deactivation and deletion measures which you may deploy, and which are mentioned in the previous section.
8. Legal Notice Modifications and Denial of Service:
- These Terms and Conditions are applicable from the date of publication. UCAM reserves the right to modify them without any other requirement than the provision of the corresponding notices to users on the pages contained in the ucam.edu domain.
- UCAM reserves the right to suspend the service for maintenance reasons –prior communication to the users –, to deny access to users for non-compliance with the obligations adhered to in these Conditions and to deny access or close the user's account if any of the rights on the content of the portal is considered to have been violated.
- UCAM may introduce changes in the conditions of use of its services at any time deemed appropriate, and these shall be included on the website at that moment so that the new version of the Legal Notice is available to the Users, who are responsible for periodically examining the Terms and Conditions of Use.
- Users acknowledge and accept that if they use the services after the date on which the ‘General Conditions of Use’ have changed, UCAM shall consider that the use they make tacitly constitutes acceptance of the new, updated version of these Conditions.
- UCAM reserves the right to deny access to the portal's services to those students who no longer maintain a relationship with UCAM or who have finished their studies.