Personal Tutoring
Attention hours
Mañanas: 09:00 a 13:30 h.
Tardes: 16:30 a 19:00 h.
Contact information
Telf: (+34) 968 27 88 00 (Ext. 800)
Edificio de la planta baja junto a la entrada del recinto
Avda. de los Jerónimos Nº135 30107
Guadalupe MURCIA
To contribute to the integral education of our students, optimizing their academic performance, enhancing their personal maturity and favoring their vocational and professional development, through the personalized accompaniment provided by their tutor throughout their university years.
- Carrying out regular and continuous personalised interviews with the students.
- Facilitate the adaptation and integration of the student into the university.
- Guidance and personalized advice in the process of study and learning.
- Orientation and personalized advice in the management of the academic and professional career.
- Personal advice.
- To promote self-knowledge, critical reflection and responsibility of the students.
- Help in decision making.
- Education in the virtues.
- Special support in moments of particular difficulties of the students.
- Interlocutors between the university and the students' parents.