Founder of the National Transplant Organisation
Granted on 14 February 2018
Sponsored by: Juan Carlos Izpisua

President of Nortia Corporation
Granted on 23 March 2017
Sponsored by: Pascual Fernández Martínez, Dean-President of the Madrid Economists’ Association.

Professor of Biochemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid and former president of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy.
Granted on 11 October 2016
Sponsored by: Estrella Núñez

Professor of Oral Pathology and Medicine at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Chieti-Pescara (Italy).
Granted on 11 October 2016
Sponsored by: José Luis Calvo

Archbishop Emeritus of Madrid
Granted on 13 June 2016
Sponsored by: Most Excellent Reverend Mgr. Antonio Cañizares

President of the International Federation of Sports Medicine and Chancellor of the Foro Italico University of Rome
Granted on 8 October 2015
Sponsored by: Pedro Manonelles Marqueta

Professor of Eye Surgery
Granted on 18 September 2015
Sponsored by: Doctor Jerónimo Lajara

Director of the Lake Tahoe Sports Orthopaedic Clinic (Nevada, USA)
Granted on 13 June 2015
Sponsored by: Doctor Pedro Guillén García

President of the International Olympic Committee
Granted on 23 March 2013
Sponsored by: D. Antonio Sánchez Pato

Professor Emeritus and former director of the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at the Ghent State University (Belgium), standing out in the field of meniscal graft and transplantation.
Granted on 13 June 2014
Sponsored by: Doctor Pedro Guillén García.

Researcher at the Gene Expression Laboratory of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla (California, USA).
Granted on 13 June 2014
Sponsored by: Doctor Pedro Gillén García

President of Grupo Silanes.
Former President and strong promoter of the Mexican Foundation for Health (Funsalud)
Granted on 13 June 2013
Sponsored by: Guillermo Soberón Acevedo, Former Minister of Health (Mexico)
Chancellor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Coach of the National Team
2010 World Champion
UEFA Champions League winner
Granted on 28 January 2013
Sponsored by: D. Antonio Sánchez Pato

Spanish politician
Former spokesperson for the People’s Party (Partido Popular) in the European Parliament
Granted on 13 December 2012
Sponsored by: Former Prime Minister, José María Aznar.

Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Zaragoza
Granted on 13 June 2011
Sponsored by: Most Excellent Reverend Antonio Cañizares

Professor in Orthopaedics at the Gothenburg University
Granted on 13 June 2011
Sponsored by: Doctor Pedro Guillén García

Academic of the Royal National Academy of Medicine
Granted on 13 June 2011
Sponsored by: Doctor Pedro Guillén García

Granted on 11 November 2010
Sponsored by: Honorary Chancellor of UCAM, Antonio Montoro

Cardinal Archbishop of Valencia
Granted on 14 June 2010
Sponsored by: Vice-Chancellor of Religious Affairs of UCAM, José Alberto Cánovas Sánchez

Doctor in Traumatology
Granted on 13 June 2007
Prestigious traumatologist; Honorary Dean of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine and Director of the UCAM Chair of Sports Traumatology. He is also president of the CEMTRO Clinic

Bishop of Cartagena
Granted on 13 June 2007
Bishop Emeritus of Cartagena

Granted on 13 June 2006
Dominican, Order of Preachers, he was president of the International Society of St. Thomas Aquinas

Vatican spokesman
Granted on 13 June 2006
A Spanish doctor and journalist, he was a spokesman for the Vatican for 22 years, during the pontificate of John Paul II