Short Course inIntelligent Management for the Tourism Industry

Services Included
Services included in the registration fee? (Classroom):
- UCAM faculty hours
- Full menu lunch tickets from our cafeteria (During the days of classes)
- Farewell Lunch
- Public transportation bono (from 2 weeks onwards)
- Welcome pack
- Didactic material
- Certificate
- 1 accompanying teacher/coordinator
What does the online services include?
- UCAM teaching hours in the virtual campus
- Didactic material
- Certificate
- To know how to apply the acquired knowledge and to develop problem-solving skills in the fields of tourism marketing and innovation.
- Acquire initiative and entrepreneurial spirit to launch projects related to innovation and marketing in the tourism sector.
- Acquire skills through the teaching-learning process that allow students to continue their self-training in the fields of innovation and marketing.