The university follows an internal process of continuous renovation and accreditation to preserve the highest quality standards in our educative system.

UCAM is awarded 5 stars in the QS Stars Rating System
by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)
Following a rigorous evaluation process, UCAM has been recognised with the 5-star academic
quality seal in the QS Stars Rating. UCAM's excellence has been acknowledged in the following
areas: Teaching, Internationalisation, Online Learning, Academic Development and

The HAZ Foundation
according to HAZ Foundation
The HAZ Foundation was established in 2007 by professionals from the world of business, academia and the non-profit sector to promote good governance, transparency, accountability, and the social impact of institutions. Their mission is to ‘strengthen society's trust in institutions and companies by promoting transparency, good governance and social commitment’.
In their 2023 evaluation (published in November 2024) of UCAM, they reviewed several web indicators, among which they highlighted ‘visibility’, ‘accessibility’, ‘currency’ and finally the ‘comprehensiveness’ of the institutional transparency data. As a result of this evaluation process, the HAZ Foundation awarded the Universidad Católica a score of 94%, thus achieving the “three-star” label, the highest rating in institutional transparency for this evaluation organisation.

40st position in SDG4: Quality Education in THE Impact Rankings 2024
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
THE Impact Rankings are based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) created by the UN for the 2030 Agenda. UCAM obtained the 401-800 position in the overall category and stands out in the following indicators: SDG4 - Quality Education (61), SDG3 - Good Health and Wellbeing (201-300) and SDG8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth (201-400), among the most significant ones.

Position 126 en el QS World University Ranking South Europe: Europe 2025
according to Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)
In this new ranking, UCAM is positioned among the best European universities. It was ranked in the 126 position in the European University Ranking - Southern Europe 2025. The inclusion of exchange students, internationalisation, academic and employer reputation are key indicators for UCAM's position in this European ranking.

Position 601-800 in THE University Rankings by Subject: Life Sciences 2025
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
FUCAM holds its strong position in the 2025 edition of the Life Sciences ranking, with particularly notable achievements in specific areas:
- No. 1 among private universities in Spain in Sports Sciences
- No. 4 nationally and No. 1 among private universities in Veterinary Sciences
UCAM continues to excel in industry collaborations to develop research and innovation projects, strengthening the university-business relationship and fostering the growth of theb business fabric.

Position 601+ in THE University Rankings by Subject: Education 2025
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
UCAM holds its position in the Education ranking for the third consecutive year, reaffirming its commitment to teacher training and academic studies in education. Our university continues to excel in the transfer of knowledge to industry and in terms of international outlook.

Position 801-1000 in THE University Rankings by Subject: Clinical and Health 2025
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
UCAM holds its ground in the 2025 edition of this thematic ranking, once again performing strongly in the field of health sciences. UCAM continues to excel in key areas such as industry income and research, and remains a regional leader in the international context.

Position 801-1000 in THE University Rankings by Subject: Social Sciences 2025
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
In this 2025 edition, UCAM is still present in the Social Sciences ranking, with special emphasis on collaboration with industry and international perspective. This positioning reflects UCAM ongoing commitment to the development of social sciences and their practical application in the professional environment.

Position 401 en THE World University Ranking, YOUNG UNIVERSITY 2024
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
The Times Higher Education Young University Rankings list the best universities in the world that are 50 years old or younger. This ranking evaluates the areas of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. UCAM has achieved position 401, excelling in knowledge transfer.

UCAM praised for its contribution to regional development
according to the Ranking Fundación CyD
This ranking acknowledges the quality of the achievements of the Universidad Católica in its efforts to strengthen the university-business alliance through research and cooperation between the two sectors in the Region of Murcia:
- 1º BEST PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN SPAIN in Fundraising for Research
- 2º BEST PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN SPAIN in Patent Development for Companies
- 2º BEST PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN SPAIN in Academic Offer in English
- 5º BEST PRIVATE UNIVERSITY IN SPAIN in International Internships

Position nº5 for the Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences in the World Ranking 50 Careers
according to the newspaper El Mundo
This ranking analyses the 50 most demanded degrees by students and the five best Spanish universities where they are taught. In this edition, the ranking has positioned the UCAM's Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences in fifth place, and highlights the large number of scholarship holders who can combine daily high-level competition training with teaching.

UCAM stands out in U-Ranking because of its teaching results
according to the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE) and the BBVA Foundation
The Universidad Católica de Murcia has been highlighted by the U-Ranking with good results in teaching, with a high percentage of foreign and postgraduate students, as well as a good evaluation rate, and a low drop-out rate. In addition, the employability of its graduates is also rated positively. In the field of research, both the number of doctoral theses read and the number of scientific papers per doctoral lecturer stand out.

The Universidad Católica de Murcia ranks 4ts in transparency among private universities
according to Dyntra, Dynamic Transparency Index
Dyntra is the 4ts collaborative platform that enables an open evaluation of the level of compliance in institutional transparency, public communication, citizen participation and collaboration, economic-financial transparency and service contracting. UCAM stands out with a degree of compliance of 76% in the public communication section and 66,67% in participation and collaboration.

UCAM: among the 25 Best Universities in Spain 2024
according to Forbes
The prestigious Forbes magazine ranks the Universidad Católica de Murcia 11th among the 25 best universities in Spain, thereby confirming the academic quality of this fast-growing institution.

THE WUR 2025 ranks UCAM in 1201-1500th position
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
The World University Ranking 2025 evaluates 5 key pillars: teaching, research,
citations, industry income and international outlook. The good results UCAM has
achieved keep its positioning with solid prospects for improvement.

Ranked 16th at national level in scientific output in the field of dentry.
according to Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR)
Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is a ranking of research-related academic institutions, which are ranked by three different sets of indicators based on research performance, innovation output and societal impact as measured by their visibility on the web. UCAM stands out in the subject area rankings in biological sciences, biochemistry and psychology at national and Latin American level.

UCAM among the top 10 universities in Spain in Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing
according to U-multirank Consortium
This ranking values key factors such as the learning experience, the quality of the degrees and teaching provided, the contact with professors, the organisation, work inclusion, internships and research and guidance on teaching and professional opportunities abroad.

UCAM ranked for the first time in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings in 4th place among private universities in Spain
according to Universitas Indonesia
This ranking is an initiative of Universitas Indonesia and aims to showcase those institutions that comply with policies related to Green Campus and Sustainability. UCAM obtained an overall score of 4500 points, standing out in the Waste category, focused on waste treatment and recycling processes.

UCAM, the private university with the greatest notoriety among Spaniards
according to Digital Group
private university sector in Spain, according to data provided by IMOP Instituto de Marketing y Opinión Pública (Institute of Marketing and Public Opinion).

UCAM is positioned as the fourth private university in Spain according to the Best Global Universities ranking
according to US News
This ranking classifies academic institutions around the world on the basis of thirteen indicators, which measure their research performance, and global and regional reputation.

Position 151-200 in THE Europe Teaching Rankings
according to Times Higher Education (THE)
This ranking assesses the teaching and learning environment for students. In its latest edition, in 2019, UCAM was ranked tenth in one of the four main areas of study, in which satisfaction with the services provided, the quality of teaching and the student's general assessment of the institution are evaluated. Over 125,000 interviews were conducted with students from 18 European countries in order to determine this rating.

UCAM: in the Top 10 countries for studying abroad
according to Education
UCAM is among the best universities in the world to study according to international students. For the third consecutive year Keystone, awards UCAM the seal top 10 University in Europe to study abroad. However, for 2022 it has been considered within the top 10 worldwide.

UCAM, among the five fastest-growing private Spanish universities in research
according to IUNE Observatory
The figures, updated in 2021, on the annual scientific research output of the universities analysed by IUNE, place UCAM among the top five, with a growth of 48% in the last five years.

Recognition by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China recognizes the Catholic University of Murcia as one of the universities recommended for Chinese students to study abroad.

Decoration Civil Order Alfonso X the Wise
by the Government of Spain
Awarded to the President of the University for the merits he has brought to society in the field of teaching, research, culture and sport

European Athletics Award
by the Association of European Athletes
European Athletics' awards UCAM for its dual career model so that athletes can study a university career at the same time as they pursue their professional careers

Joaquin Blume Trophy
by the Supreme Sports Council
Prize awarded to the University for its work in promoting and encouraging sport

New York Awards for Social Commitment and Contribution
by Inspiring Committed Leaders Foundation
Awarded to the President of the University for his contribution and social commitment through UCAM in favor of education

The president of UCAM, awarded with the International Prize 'Giuseppe Sciacca'
by the International Association of Culture and Volunteering 'Uomo e Società
University of Murcia in the promotion of culture, the formation of young people, and the defence of the basic principles of civil society, in respect for the teachings of the Supreme Pontiffs and the Social Doctrine of the Church.

Best in Show' award for the best simulation application
at the International Meeting on Simulation in Health
UCAM has been awarded this prize for its Body Interact clinical reasoning board

Declaration of European Cardioprotected Space
by the European Foundation for Health, Research and Education
The University received from the Declaration of Cardioprotected Space, becoming the first European entity of the university education sector declared as Cardioprotected Space by the (EFHRE).

Golden Antenna Award
by the National Association of RTV Professionals
José Luis Mendoza, president of the Catholic University of Murcia was awarded for his support to the media and his social commitment, reflected in the many projects he is developing

Innovation and Health Award
by Mutua Universal
The University has been awarded for its commitment to excellence and quality, both in the degrees it offers and in the actions it carries out in the social field.