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UCAM Library Loans

The loan service allows UCAM users access to the library archives.

Users who benefit from this service are responsible for the borrowed material and must return it within the deadline.

Ilustración Secretaría Central

Borrowing items

Who is this service for?

This service is for all faculty members, students and university staff members, in addition to any person who meets the requirements established by UCAM’s Governing Council.

How can I borrow an item?

Just bring your selected document to be checked out at the Library counter and show your Student ID.

What documents are available for borrowing?

All documents at the UCAM Library except for the following materials, which are only available for consultation at the Reading Room (Reference only items):

  • Reference works, such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, catalogues, bibliographies, masters’ theses, etc...
  • Periodicals / Journals
  • Frequently used works when there is only a single copy.
  • Rare documents which may be difficult to replace.
  • Academic collection (theses, dissertations, offprints, etc.).

How can I access the stored material?

You must request it at the Library Service Desk by providing the staff with its reference number.

Can I renew my loan?

Loaned items whose loan period has not expired can be renewed. They can be renewed up to three days before their due date, including on the same day.

How can I renew a book loan?

Both at the Library counter or online, through the Library Catalogue. You will be asked to introduce your university credentials at "My library". Log in by adding two zeros to your Student ID (Example: 00XXXXXX) and introduce the same password you use for UCAM’s virtual campus.

How many times can I renew a book loan?

A book loan can be renewed a maximum of three times, as long as it has not already been requested by another user.

Can I reserve a book for loan?

You can make a request to borrow any loaned books from the Library Catalogue, either at the library Service Desk or through the Library’s website. You will be asked to introduce your university credentials at "My library". Log in by adding two zeros to your Student ID (Example: 00XXXXXX) and introduce the same password you use for UCAM’s virtual campus.

Please note that reservations made at the Service Desk have preference over those made on the library’s website.

Users are responsible for the items they have borrowed, as well as for returning them within the loan periods established by UCAM’s Library.

In the event of overdue item returns, for each day passed after an item’s due date, users will be banned from borrowing any new items for three days.

TUserLibrary Newspaper ArchivesMedia Archives

Max. Number of Items

Loan Period



Undergraduate students,
ERASMUS students,
Vocational training students
8 30 Reference onlyReference only
Faculty Members15 90 Reference onlyReference only
Graduate and
Postgraduate Students
15 60 Reference onlyReference only
PhD students15 60 Reference onlyReference only
Staff Members8 30 Reference onlyReference only
Students doing their Final Dissertation
for Undergraduate Ed.
8 30 Reference onlyReference only

Reference Only Items

UCAM’s Library displays many items which are for reference only. These items can be found at the Main Library, the Newspaper Archives and the Media Archives, and due to their rare nature or frequency of use, they are to be used within those facilities for reference only and not to be taken out under any circumstances.

Some items are readily available for users’ consultation; however, stored items require Library staff to retrieve them for you. Ask a staff member to assist you.