Our programs in English
We have a wide range of degrees, in different modalities and training areas:
- Video Technology and Applications in Events
- Big Data Fundamentals & Applications in Bioinformatics
- Media and Communications
- Intelligent Management for the Tourism Industry
- Spanish Language & Culture Winter and Summer Program
- Fundamentals of 3D Digital Design & Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
- Entrepreneurship: Leadership and Management in International Contexts
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Sport Management and Esports
- UCAM Football Training Program
Our programs in Spanish
We have a wide range of degrees, in different modalities and training areas:
- Biotecnología
- Comunicación y medios
- Comunicación 360º
- Liderazgo y emprendimiento
- Nuevas tendencias en marketing
- Gestión inteligente de la industria del turismo
- Fundamentos de diseño e impresión 3D (Fabricación aditiva)
- Tecnologías de vídeo y sus aplicaciones para eventos
- Edición y postproducción avanzada
- Gestión Deportiva y Esports
- Gestión de Reputación Online de Hoteles
- Entornos Virtuales, Visual Computing, Realidad Aumentada y Virtual
Customized Programs
Advance your organization's goals
We advise you throughout the program design and implementation process, this includes conducting needs assessment interviews with key stakeholders and a review of organizational challenges and competencies. We will create a personalized approach that meets your training needs.
The UCAM University Accreditation Program promotes the highest level of academic excellence. We accredit your institution's program as ours. This helps your institution have the UCAM name in one of its programs. UCAM is an international benchmark in university education.