The special edition Cell Line 2014-2024 highlights the major advances published by the journal over the last decade, including the cell partial reprogramming discovered by the UCAM Professor of Developmental Biology, a process directly linked to the delay of ageing.
The UCAM Professor of Developmental Biology and Director of the San Diego Science Institute of Altos Labs (USA) has met with more than 600 students, to whom he has conveyed the importance of research in the field of health.
The journal Nature Communications has published the new results of the research team of the UCAM Professor of Developmental Biology and director of the San Diego Science Institute, Altos Labs, this week. The proof of concept successfully developed in animals could soon become an effective and long-lasting treatment for people with severe hereditary diseases such as SMA.
The UCAM professor of Developmental Biology has had an intense day of work at the Universidad Católica de Murcia including a meeting with the president, María Dolores García, the first since the death of the founder of the University. They have expressed their complete willingness to continue making progress with current research and new projects to address some of the major health problems that plague humanity.
The scientific team led by Juan Carlos Izpisua, professor of Developmental Biology at UCAM, has discovered a type of RNA which accumulates in the cell nucleus of people who suffer from premature ageing or progeria. Blocking this RNA reverses the symptoms of this disease and prolongs lifespan in mice.
At a conference, UCAM analysed the current situation of the national transplant system and the various lines of research it is working in to improve the life expectancy of such patients
Using cellular reprogramming, the team of researchers led by the UCAM Professor of Developmental Biology has managed to rejuvenate mice without generating tumours or any other health related problems. The study is published in the scientific journal Nature Aging
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