From the 13,711 candidates from all over country, all UCAM students passed the test for Resident Medical Intern, with grades that will allow most of them to choose their preferred speciality.
The recipients of the awards are Javier Bernal, for the best academic record of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine, Begoña Alburquerque, Carmen Lucas and Rebeca González, for their researches on the treatment of colorectal cancer and male baldness
95% of the students of UCAM Universidad Católica passed the exam, with a rate similar to that of past editions, which is allowing the majority of them to select the speciality they want
This second graduation class was able to outdo last year’s result, which was 97.5%. Furthermore, the excellent marks grant to the majority of them the possibility to choose their specialisation and destination
This second graduation class was able to outdo last year’s result, which was 96%. Furthermore, the excellent marks, unveiled today, grant to the majority of them the possibility to choose their specialisation and destination
The Regional Government’s Minister of Universities visited today the university dental clinic ‘UCAM Dental’ and the building of the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine at Los Jerónimos Campus
The U-Ranking 2019 puts the university as the first of the region, and at the 17th place in the Spanish universities with most students finalizing the course they chose in the beginning. This success is thanks to the educative model of UCAM, where the groups are reduced, the students receive help from tutors, and the education has a practical aspect. There is a high number of students employed after their graduation, as entrepreneurs as well as working for different companies.
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