Health training in Uganda, prevention at its best
UCAM lecturers specialised in health sciences once again travelled to the African country on the humanitarian expedition organised by the NGO Worldproject this month of July.
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UCAM lecturers specialised in health sciences once again travelled to the African country on the humanitarian expedition organised by the NGO Worldproject this month of July.
This week, UCAM professors from the field of healthcare are once again travelling to Uganda on the humanitarian expedition organised by the NGO Worldproject, which the university supports financially.
UCAM volunteers returned to Murcia last night after 19 days collaborating with the World Youth Day held in Lisbon.
The Los Jerónimos Campus hosts the XXII UCAM International Conference on Volunteering, which this year focuses on social development and the work of young people.
The activities will continue tomorrow at the Murcia Campus with the celebration of the III University Mile and the UCAMPaella, and on Thursday in Cartagena
The Universidad Católica de Murcia has supported, financially and by providing medical teaching staff, the humanitarian expedition organised by WorldProject NGO to treat the sick, train medical staff and equip a clinic and an ambulance in Uganda.
UCAM does so through the NGO Worldproject, which has organised a new expedition to Uganda made up of eight members, three of whom are professors from the Universidad Católica de Murcia, an institution that has helped finance the construction and equipment of a new clinic that will offer free healthcare to the Kikaaya area inhabitants.
It will take in Ukrainian families, collect humanitarian supplies, set up a virtual first aid platform and coordinate the delivery of the full proceeds from next Wednesday's UCAM-Burgos (ACB) match. The project has been set up because of the conflict in Ukraine, but it will help those affected by any war.
UCAM professors Manuel Pardo and Yassel Parra have sent the donated supplies to equip an ambulance and an emergency clinic. They are also providing training