Into the heart of Africa to improve health care
This week, UCAM professors from the field of healthcare are once again travelling to Uganda on the humanitarian expedition organised by the NGO Worldproject, which the university supports financially.
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This week, UCAM professors from the field of healthcare are once again travelling to Uganda on the humanitarian expedition organised by the NGO Worldproject, which the university supports financially.
The Universidad Católica de Murcia has supported, financially and by providing medical teaching staff, the humanitarian expedition organised by WorldProject NGO to treat the sick, train medical staff and equip a clinic and an ambulance in Uganda.
UCAM does so through the NGO Worldproject, which has organised a new expedition to Uganda made up of eight members, three of whom are professors from the Universidad Católica de Murcia, an institution that has helped finance the construction and equipment of a new clinic that will offer free healthcare to the Kikaaya area inhabitants.
The NGO Worldproject has organised another expedition to the African country made up of eight members, three of whom are professors at the Universidad Católica de Murcia. This team is going to offer free health care to patients in the area, as well as train professionals