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To carry out the study, more than 600 online surveys were carried out

The citizens of the Region of Murcia decide to encourage sustainable mobility after COVID

The current health crisis influenced mobility and the uses and preferences related to means of transports, as shown by an advancement in the study carried out in the Region, during the lockdown, by the Chair of Mobility and Sustainable Transport of UCAM, directed by Roberto José Liñán.

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The CYD ranking singles out UCAM for the international orientation of its educational offer

The CYD ranking singles out UCAM for the international orientation of its educational offer

The study especially values the extremely low drop-out rate, the high employability of the students of UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia and its contribution to the regional development. It also highlights the private funds inverted in transfer, own and collected, that are the result of the close relation with the business world

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