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Izpisua creates synthetic mouse embryos to gain more knowledge about the beginning of life and human health

Izpisua creates synthetic mouse embryos to gain more knowledge about the beginning of life and human health

They are mouse embryods (in the blastocyst phase) for whose creation he has used iPS cells. The advance will allow to study, without having to use natural embryos nor gametes, the development of the first embryonic stages, the causes of miscarriages or the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, and it will provide valuable information for the creation of human organs for transplants. The research has been developed by the team of scientists led by Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua, director of the Gene Expression Laboratory of the Salk Institute, in the US, and Professor of Developmental Biology at the UCAM.

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The UCAM wins five new international research projects in the field of sport

The UCAM wins five new international research projects in the field of sport

Through its Faculty of Sport, it will analyse and make proposals, together with institutions from thirteen European Countries, on how to improve in this field through marketing, administration, physical activity inside and outside school, the adaptation of sport for people with disabilities or as a tool for the inclusion of refugees.

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The UCAM can count on the collaboration of Primafrio to finance the research of Juan Carlos Izpisua

The UCAM can count on the collaboration of Primafrio to finance the research of Juan Carlos Izpisua

"The constant support by the UCAM is something unusual because in our country research is not considered important, and this makes me proud of these four years of collaboration”. This is one of the ideas highlighted by Juan Carlos Izpisua, professor extraordinary of Developmental Biology of the UCAM, throughout the presentation of the project ‘Collaboration UCAM-Primafrio: an example of scientific patronage’ that was held this afternoon in Los Jerónimos Campus.

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Izpisua develops an advanced genome-editing tool to treat rare diseases

Izpisua develops an advanced genome-editing tool to treat rare diseases

The research team led by the Professor of the Gene Expression Laboratory of the Salk Institute, in the US, and Professor of Developmental Biology of the UCAM has observed, after testing the technique (SATI) in mice with progeria (premature ageing), a rejuvenation in various tissues, including skin and spleen, and 45% increase in their lifespan, which would be equivalent to more than a decade in case of humans. The advance has been published by the scientific journal Cell Research.

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The I First Encounter of the International Observatory on Family ended with Papal Audience

The I First Encounter of the International Observatory on Family ended with Papal Audience

<br /> During the audience, Pope Francis greeted the representants from the university centres and institutes of study on ‘Family’, coming from different countries where they debated on relational poverty and Vatican economy<br /> The Pope showed a special proximity with UCAM president, José Luis Mendoza, to whom he asked about his family, and showed interest towards the projects started by the university in collaboration with the Holy See<br />

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