With the figure of José Luis Mendoza, founder of Universidad Católica, in their memory, both institutions have sealed their commitment to continue cooperating in favour of Spanish athletes with this concept, which is unique in the world
Through its University Platform for Peace, it will send several truckloads of clothes and non-perishable food items this Wednesday. It will also collaborate to assist Ukrainians, in coordination with the Autonomous Community of Murcia and humanitarian organisations
At an event at the COE (Spanish Olympic Committee), the UCAM professor of Developmental Biology explained that these substances, which are from the body itself, make it possible to reduce recovery time by half, increase and prolong the functionality of muscles, both in elite athletes and in the general public.
The UCAM Murcia Piragüismo canoeist and the UCAM Fuensanta swimmer have been appointed as flag bearers for Spain at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which will be held this summer in Japan
Alejandro Blanco, president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, and José Luis Mendoza, president of UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, gathered this Friday, online, with the majority of the Olympic and Paralympic athletes who participate in the UCAM-COE project and who are training to compete in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Among the participants, there were more than 250 international medals, 19 Olympic medals and 10 Paralympic medals.
Mireia Belmonte, Lydia Valentín, Sofía Toro, Ángela Pumariega, Maialen Chourraut, Ruth Beitia, Laura Gil, Eva Calvo and Leire Olaberria were honoured along with the other Olympic medallists in Spanish sport in a ceremony attended by José Luis Mendoza, President of UCAM and member of the COE Assembly
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