UCAM and Incyde launch new courses in self-employment and business consolidation
The two institutions renewed their collaboration to offer six new training programmes following the success of the previous ones.
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The two institutions renewed their collaboration to offer six new training programmes following the success of the previous ones.
As a result of the collaboration between UCAM and the INCYDE Foundation and financing from the European Regional Development Fund, it will provide services to companies in the sector
Through an investment of €400,000, they will provide 8 programmes to support the creation and training of 70 companies this year.
Through its University Platform for Peace, it will send several truckloads of clothes and non-perishable food items this Wednesday. It will also collaborate to assist Ukrainians, in coordination with the Autonomous Community of Murcia and humanitarian organisations
A programme to train trainers was created and, initially, centres to promote employment in Africa and India will be opened. Furthermore, education in ethical values in science and technology will be promoted.