UCAM and the General Council of Social Graduates of Spain renew their collaboration
The two organisations will continue to work together through the International Chair in Labour Law and Social Security.
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The two organisations will continue to work together through the International Chair in Labour Law and Social Security.
Both institutions have been collaborating for years, highlighting the strong involvement of the National Organisation with the UCAMPACITAS work placement programme for people with intellectual disabilities.
This agreement will allow them to attend sporting events organised by UCAM clubs free of charge, facilitating their attendance as much as possible, with the aim of improving their emotional wellbeing.
The agreement includes discounts on studies and research projects to prevent injuries and optimise the physical preparation of players.
The agreement includes a specific pathway to prepare students for the land registry exams
The presidents of both entities, María Dolores García Mascarell and Raúl Chapado, have signed an agreement on the Los Jerónimos Campus, so that experts from the UCAM Research Centre for High Performance Sport will carry out the study of the athletes that will face the mixed relay event in the fight for medals. This event will be the first of its kind in Paris.
Members of the professional association will be giving lectures at the University on practical aspects of the profession and academics will be offering training in artificial intelligence and digitalisation to social graduates
Both institutions have signed a collaboration agreement establishing joint action lines in training, research and the development of initiatives in the field of internationalisation
A delegation from the Universidad Católica de Murcia participated in the most important meeting on higher education in the world held in the United States, where training in Spanish, short courses and double degrees with other universities were discussed.
Its rector, José Fuentes, who was born in Blanca (Murcia), assures that “we want to partner with important universities to cooperate in the development of Bolivia”