The UCAM athlete from Mula has undergone a medical exam at the Research Centre on High Performance Sport of UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia before leaving for Tokyo, where he will compete in the 5,000 metres
During an online meeting, the presidents of the Region, Fernando López Miras, and the president of UCAM, José Luis Mendoza, thanked them for their effort and wished them good luck in the Games, which will start on July 23. UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia will be the
university with the highest number of athletes in Tokyo in the world, with the Spanish delegation composed of 60 Olympic and 13 Paralympic athletes linked to this institution, aside from two trainers and two doctors.
The UCAM Murcia Piragüismo canoeist and the UCAM Fuensanta swimmer have been appointed as flag bearers for Spain at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which will be held this summer in Japan
Once again, this year, the headquarters of the Spanish Olympic Committee has opened its doors for the presentation of the new athletes who were awarded a scholarship by UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. The event, presided by José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, minister of Culture and Sport, has been opened by Alejandro Blanco, president of the Olympic institution, and was attended by José Luis Mendoza, president of UCAM, and 37 of the athletes who were awarded a scholarship by the educative body.
Alejandro Blanco, president of the Spanish Olympic Committee, and José Luis Mendoza, president of UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, gathered this Friday, online, with the majority of the Olympic and Paralympic athletes who participate in the UCAM-COE project and who are training to compete in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Among the participants, there were more than 250 international medals, 19 Olympic medals and 10 Paralympic medals.
The presidents of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE) and of UCAM, in a virtual meeting held this Thursday, reaffirmed all their support to these athletes, listened to their concerns and exhorted them before the challenge<br />
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