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Education as a way to prevent doping

Education as a way to prevent doping

The president of the International Federation of Sports Medicine, Fabio Pigozzi, Doctor Honoris Causa by UCAM, encourages focusing all efforts on prevention and education in order to avoid the doping of athletes. José Luis Mendoza, University’s president, announces the creation of the “Anti-doping Ethical Code” of the Catholic University of Murcia.

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UCAM’s International students will discover the Region of Murcia and its gastronomy

UCAM’s International students will discover the Region of Murcia and its gastronomy

The Catholic University organizes, between September and December, the “Agenda Ñ”, a series of activities for its foreign students, which include guided tours to the Salzillo Museum, the Estrella de Levante factory and the Luzón wine cellars as well as as a journey through the orchards, a photography contest and a cooking workshop

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