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Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)


The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) is the mechanism through which the European Commission aims to ensure that universities and research institutions take concrete steps to improve the working conditions of Researchers, as set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct.


The strategy comprises a 5-phase implementation process with the objective of complying with the principles of the Charter, and to achieve the HR Excellence distinction by the EC.

The different phases are as follows:

  • Internal analysis of the entity, in order to know the degree of alignment with the charter and the code, and to detect the gaps between the institutional strategy and the C&C principles.
  • Action plan: Once this analysis has been carried out, a Human Resources Strategy is developed for researchers by drawing up an Action Plan.
  • Seal of Excellence: The European Commission reviews this Action Plan in order to award the seal. After its approval the institution makes the Action Plan public and is qualified to use the logo.
  • Self-assessment: The institution carries out a new internal analysis within a period of no more than two years to check compliance with the proposed action plan and to design a new, updated one.
  • External evaluation: The institution undergoes an external evaluation every 4 years, which examines whether it is complying with the plan and whether the "HR Excellence in Research" logo is maintained.


Etapas Proceso HRS4R

Política OTM-R

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