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83.6% of UCAM graduates get a job in less than a year

These are the findings of a report drawn up by the UCAM Occupational Observatory for the 2020-22 period, based on a sample of 1842 graduates.

The employment rate of UCAM Polytechnic School graduates is roughly 100%.
The employment rate of UCAM Polytechnic School graduates is roughly 100%.

The quality training UCAM provides and the close collaboration with the business world have led to high levels of employability among its graduates. This is clear from a preview of the report on labour market insertion drawn up by the Observatorio Ocupacional de la Universidad (UCAM Occupational Observatory), which found that 83.6% of UCAM graduates –between 2020 and 2022–, have found work in the first year upon completing their studies. Moreover, 8.8% did not enter the labour market because they decided to continue their education. According to the report, presented at the 2nd Employment and Training Week held at the Los Jerónimos Campus, based on a sample of 1842 graduates of the years analysed, 80.6% of UCAM graduates are working within two years of completing their studies.

As reported in the Análisis de la Inserción Laboral de los Titulados Universitarios 2023 (Analysis of the Labour Market Insertion of University Graduates 2023), elaborated by the BBVA Foundation, in Spain the employment rate of new university graduates, aged between 20-34 years, is 76.8%.

This UCAM report, written by the Vice-Rector's Office for Quality and Academic Planning, also shows that the institution's degrees in the field of health, such as Medicine and Pharmacy, have a 100% job placement rate. The same results were obtained with degrees from the UCAM Polytechnic School such as Architecture, Building Services Engineering, Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Technology Engineering, where all graduates are working. Manuel Carlos Ruiz, Vice Rector for Quality and Academic Planning, stated that these data show how ‘the employment and training policies applied by the UCAM have led to this success among our students’, to which he added ‘the significance of the fact that 97% of our degrees have compulsory external internships’.


These positive results are the reward for the continuous collaboration between the UCAM and businesses, enabling students to do internships in them as a key part of their training. Furthermore, it is worth highlighting the launch of the industrial doctorates and the creation of the high-tech incubator in health, sport and food UCAM HiTech, which promotes entrepreneurship and the creation of companies.