Bachelor´s Degree inPsychology
- Basic Training (BT): 60
- Compulsory (CO): 120
- External Practices (EP): 9
- Optional (OP): 42
- End of Degree Project (EDP): 9
- Total Credits: 240
Subject | ECTS | Type | Term |
6 | Compulsory | 1º | |
Fundamentals of Psychobiology | 6 | Basic | 1º |
Fundamental Ethics | 3 | Compulsory | 1º |
Theology I | 3 | Compulsory | 1º |
Research Methodology in Psychology | 6 | Basic | 1º |
History of Psychology | 6 | Compulsory | 1º |
Personality Psychology | 6 | Basic | 2º |
Learning | 6 | Basic | 2º |
Motivation and Emotion | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Developmental Psychology I: Infancy and Childhood | 6 | Basic | 2º |
Language for Psychologists | 6 | Basic | 2º |
Subject | ECTS | Type | Term |
Data Analysis | 6 | Basic | 1º |
Psychology of Education | 6 | Compulsory | 1º |
Social Psychology | 6 | Basic | 1º |
Developmental Psychology II: Adolescence, Adulthood and Old Age | 6 | Basic | 1º |
Social Anthropology | 6 | Compulsory | 1º |
Memory | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Psychology of Groups and Organisations | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Physiological Psychology | 6 | Basic | 2º |
Research Designs in Psychology | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Applied Ethics: Bioethics | 3 | Compulsory | 2º |
Theology II | 3 | Compulsory | 2º |
Subject | ECTS | Type | Term |
Psychological Assessment | 6 | Compulsory | 1º |
Social Doctrine of the Church | 3 | Compulsory | 1º |
Humanities | 3 | Compulsory | 1º |
Health Psychology | 6 | Compulsory | 1º |
Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence | 6 | Compulsory | 1º |
Psychogeriatrics | 6 | Optional* | 1º |
Work Psychology | 6 | Optional* | 1º |
Neuropsychology | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Psychopathology in Adulthood | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Thought and Language | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Cognitive Techniques and Behaviour Modification | 6 | Compulsory | 2º |
Physical Activity and Sports Psychology | 6 | Optional* | 2º |
Legal and Forensic Psychology | 6 | Optional* | 2º |
*The student has to choose, on the one hand, between Physical Activity and Sports Psychology and Legal and Forensic Psychology and, on the other hand, between Work Psychology and Psychogeriatrics.
Subject | ECTS | Type | Term |
Psychometrics | 6 | OB | 1º |
6 | OB | 1º | |
Work-placement I | 4.5 | OB | 1º |
Therapeutical Skills | 6 | OP1 | 1º |
Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology | 6 | OP1 y 3 | 1º |
Educational Guidance and Psychopedagogy | 6 | OP2 | 1º |
Early Childhood Intervention | 6 | OP2 | 1º |
Neurodevelopment | 6 | OP3 | 1º |
Work-placement II | 4.5 | OB | 2º |
Final Year Project | 9 | OB | 2º |
Applied Health Psychology | 6 | OP1 | 2º |
Intervention in Mental Health | 6 | OP1 | 2º |
Psychological Intervention Programmes | 6 | OP1 | 2º |
Social and Emotional Development | 6 | OP2 | 2º |
Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties | 6 | OP2 | 2º |
Psychoeducational Intervention for Children Disorders | 6 | OP2 | 2º |
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation | 6 | OP3 | 2º |
Child Neuropsychology | 6 | OP3 | 2º |
Neuropsychological Evaluation | 6 | OP3 | 2º |
To obtain a mention, the student must take all the subjects that are included in that mention.
- Mention in Psychological Intervention in Healthcare Settings
- Mention in Educational Psychology
- Mention in Neuropsychology and Neurodevelopment
Subject | ECTS | Type | Term |
Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology | 6 | OP | 1º |
Therapeutical Skills | 6 | OP | 1º |
Applied Health Psychology | 6 | OP | 2º |
Psychological Intervention Programmes | 6 | OP | 2º |
Intervention in Mental Health | 6 | OP | 2º |
Educational Guidance and Psychopedagogy | 6 | OP | 1º |
Early Childhood Intervention | 6 | OP | 1º |
Developmental Disorders and Learning Difficulties | 6 | OP | 2º |
Psychoeducational Intervention for Children Disorders | 6 | OP | 2º |
Social and Emotional Development | 6 | OP | 2º |
Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology | 6 | OP | 1º |
Neurodevelopment | 6 | OP | 1º |
Neuropsychological Evaluation | 6 | OP | 2º |
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation | 6 | OP | 2º |
Child Neuropsychology | 6 | OP | 2º |
Please note that in order to activate any of the elective subjects on the curriculum, the minimum number of enrolments as set out in the University's Access, Admission and Enrolment Regulations for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees must be reached. In the event that the number of enrolments exceeds the maximum quota, the average mark on the academic transcript will be applied as a selection criterion.
Academic Calendar
Royal Decree 1125/2003 of 5 September, which establishes the European credit system and the grading system for official university degrees valid in Spain, establishes the following:
- 0 - 4.9 Fail
- 5.0 - 6.9 Pass
- 7.0 - 8.9 Merit
- 9.0 - 10 Distinction
Attempting to obtain better academic results by using whatever means considered academically illicit constitutes a serious offence according to the University Regulations. The penalty, among other possible consequences, entails the loss of the right to sit an exam in the first sitting after notification of the penalty [1].
The use of telephones or any other device that can capture images or record video and/or audio will be grounds for failing the subject.
The date of the exam review will be published together with the grades.
Students must bring their ID card, driving licence, passport or UCAM university card.
During the exam, the ID documents must remain visible, placed on the table or desk where the student is taking the exam.
More information
The 9 ECTS of the Practicum are grouped in the 4th year as they are related to the professional internship. It will be carried out over the two semesters in the subjects Practicum I (4.5 ECTS) and Practicum II (4.5 ECTS). During this time the student will be supervised by an external work placement tutor and by an academic tutor, who is responsible for the subject at the University. We recommend having passed at least 150 ECTS of the Syllabus in order to do the Practicum.
The offer of professional internships in the Degree in Psychology with a specialisation in Health Psychology is very extensive, as the University has collaboration agreements with both private and public entities in the different branches of Psychology.
By clicking on the link below, you will find the Quality Assurance System Procedure, which has the objective of establishing the system that will be applied for the organisation of external internships integrated in the Syllabus as well as for voluntary extracurricular internships. The procedure is applicable to the organisation of external placements during an academic year, and includes students, university services and institutions that are involved in these placements.
Procedure for assigning internships
Head of the Practicum in the Degree in Psychology
- Mr. Javier Orteso Rivadeneira - jorteso@ucam.edu
Practicum Documents
- Confidentiality agreement
- Practicum Diary
- Practicum Report
- Good practices agreement
- Request for change of Practicum Site
- List of Practicum Sites
Possible practicum branches
- Clinical/Social Psychology: child.
- Clinical/social psychology: adult.
- Clinical/social psychology: elderly.
- Educational psychology.
- Workplace psychology.
Practicum Agreements
- Collaboration agreement between the Consejería de Trabajo, Consumo y Política Social (Murcian Department of Labour, Consumer Affairs and Social Policy) and the UCAM.
- Educational cooperation agreement between UCAM and the Secretaría General de Instituciones Penitenciarias (General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions).
- Collaboration agreement between the Servicio Murciano de Salud ("Murcia Health Service") and UCAM.
- Addendum I. Other agreements between the UCAM and various public and private bodies
- Addendum II. Other agreements between the UCAM and various public and private organisations
The Undergraduate Dissertation is a compulsory subject that is required in order to obtain the degree in Psychology with a specialisation in Health Psychology; it consists of 9 ECTS and is taught in the 4th year of the degree course.
The subject consists of the development and presentation of a research study. The object of study of the dissertation will be linked to any of the knowledge areas of the degree, with the student having the possibility of choosing the line of research in which the project will be conducted.
It is an independent and personal project of the student, which will be carried out under the supervision of a tutor. In addition to individual supervision, there are also seminars or work sessions on specific techniques that help students complete the project adequately, led by the subject's teaching staff.
Undergraduate dissertation committee
Manuel Sebastián Carrasco
Marina Iniesta Sepúlveda
Tel: 968 278 181
In this case, there is no need to establish a termination period (which is only contemplated in the case of old study plans).
The university has a Procedure for the Planning, Development and Termination of the Degree (PCL 05).
The purpose of this Internal Quality Assurance System Procedure is to establish the way in which the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) guarantees the planning and development of its training programme, as well as the mechanisms to carry out the correct termination of the degree. This procedure is applicable to all the official degrees offered by the UCAM, as well as to the different university stakeholders (students, companies, administrative and service staff, teaching and research staff, public administration, society in general, etc.).
The Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia has drawn up the Regulations on Academic Credit Recognition and Transfer for Undergraduate and Master's Degree courses, which include the following basic principles, as established in the applicable legislation:
A) Recognition of credits of Core Courses
- Degrees belonging to the same branch of knowledge. At least 36 credits corresponding to core courses of that branch will be subject to recognition.
- Degrees belonging to a different branch of knowledge. The credits obtained in the core courses that belong to the branch of knowledge of the destination degree will be subject to recognition.
B) Recognition of other credits
The remaining credits may be recognised by the university, taking into account the suitability of the skills and knowledge associated with the other subjects taken by the student, or associated with previous accredited professional and work experience, and those foreseen in the syllabus or which are of a cross-disciplinary nature.
Credits corresponding to the Undergraduate Dissertation (Trabajo Fin de Grado) will not be eligible for recognition.
C) Recognition of socio-cultural activities
At least 6 credits will be recognised, depending on each syllabus, for participation in university activities of a cultural, sporting, student representative, charitable and cooperative nature. These types of credits are generally attributed to credits for optional subjects.
D) Subjects may not be partially acknowledged.
For the candidates who have taken the university admission test (PAU/EBAU), the final mark obtained in such test will be taken into account. If the number of applicants during the awarding time period is higher than the number of places offered or in case of candidates with the same mark, the date of submission of the application and the average marks obtained in higher secondary education (bachillerato) and/or in the EBAU will be taken into account.
In the case of candidates who hold an International Baccalaureate, a European Baccalaureate, an Advanced Vocational Training Module (Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior) or a Senior Technician in Professional Training (Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional) diploma obtained in Spain or an equivalent qualification obtained abroad, both in countries belonging to the European Union or not and/or who hold a diploma equivalent to higher secondary education (bachillerato) issued by education systems of European countries or of countries with which an international agreement has been signed, the final mark obtained in their credentials or equivalent will be taken into account, as well as a valid official certificate of language proficiency equivalent to B2 level (Spanish or English, depending on the language in which they are going to study). The following certificates are accepted as valid for certification purposes:
- PET, FCE, CAE or CPE (Cambridge).
- TOEFL: Paper Based Test 567. Computer Based Test 171. Internet Based Test 87.
- BULATS: 3.
- IELTS: 3.5-4.5.
- IGCSE/ A-Levels.
- Official School of Language (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas): New curricula: Advanced Level (B2). Old curricula: Elemental Cycle or Superior Cycle.
- Four or more years degree (licenciatura) in English/Spanish Philology or equivalent diploma at University Bachelor's Degree level.
Professional psychologist who assesses, diagnoses and intervenes in psychological processes. Researches and works to promote well-being.
The general and specific competences proposed in the White Paper on Psychology, in 2005, constitute the basic profile of the student who obtains a degree in Psychology at this University.
It is considered that undergraduate training is of a general nature, in which the student must acquire the scientific foundations of the discipline and the specific and transversal competences that will enable them to develop professionally in any orientation. Taking these competences as a frame of reference, the graduate of this University has the necessary knowledge to understand, interpret, analyse and explain human behaviour on a scientific level, as well as the essential skills to be able to evaluate and intervene, both individually and in groups, and throughout the life cycle, with the ultimate aim of promoting and improving health and quality of life.
At the end of their studies, UCAM graduates in Psychology with a specialisation in Health Psychology know and understand the functions, characteristics and limitations of the different theoretical models of Psychology; the basic laws of the different psychological processes; the stages of development throughout the life cycle, their processes and possible pathologies; the biological foundations of behaviour and psychological functions; the psychosocial principles of group functioning; the methods of psychological assessment, diagnosis and intervention; and the methods and designs of research and techniques for analysing and interpreting data.
At the same time, and in order for the graduate to be able to apply the principles of psychology in various fields, the student demonstrates at the end of the degree in Psychology that he/she has acquired the necessary skills to identify and analyse the demands of the target audience according to the context and the relevant characteristics of the behaviour under study. The graduate demonstrates the basic skills to select and administer techniques and instruments specific to the profession and to define the objectives and goals of psychological action according to the needs of the addressee and in any of the possible contexts of action (educational, clinical, community, and organisational, mainly), both at individual and group level. Likewise, the graduate demonstrates the ability to transmit the results of their work to the target audience in an appropriate and precise manner, and always in accordance with the deontological obligations of psychology.
Through the work in the different subjects that make up the degree, the graduate student has acquired the ability to work in a team and collaborate with other professionals, problem-solving and decision-making skills, always based on self-criticism and with a commitment to ongoing development and updating in all aspects of the competences, skills and knowledge of the profession.
On 11 December 2018, Order CNU/1309/2018, of 5 December, was published, regulating the general conditions to which the syllabuses of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology will conform. Following the review of this Order, it is considered that the graduate profile of the graduate in Psychology, Mention in Health Psychology is maintained and, therefore, does not require modification.