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MBA Sports Management

*Master in Continuing Education


Legal Aspects
Subject typeTypeECTS
Legal Aspect of Sports Management, Direction and SponsorshipOB4
Total credits 4
Sports Marketing and Communications
Subject typeTypeECTS
Sports MarketingOB6
Sports Communication and ProtocolOB4
Total credits 10
Planning, Human Resources and Financial Management
Subject typeTypeECTS
Human Resources Management and AdministrationOB3
Strategic PlanningOB3
Financial Management OB4
Total credits 10
Sports Equipment, Facilities and Quality
Subject typeTypeECTS
Quality and Sustainability in SportsOB3
Morphology and Planning of Sports Facilities and EquipmentOB4
Organization and Management of Sports Services and Events in FacilitiesOB3
Total credits 10
Corporate Social Responsibility
Subject typeTypeECTS
Corporate Social ResponsibilityOB3
Total credits 3
Sports Coaching
Subject typeTypeECTS
Sports Coaching OB3
Total credits 3
External Placements  (Professional Profile)
Subject typeTypeECTS
External PlacementsOB10
Total credits 10
Final Thesis
Subject typeTypeECTS
Professional Final ThesisOB10
Total credits 10


Certificate in sports marketing and sponsorship

Course 1: Sport marketing pillars.

  • Module 1: Introduction to sports marketing.
  • Module 2: Sports marketing methods and tools.
  • Module 3: Creating a sports marketing plan.
  • Module 4: Integration.

Course 2: Sports sponsorship.

  • Module 1: Sports brand management.
  • Module 2: Finding potential sponsors.
  • Module 3: Preparing and closing an sponsorship sale.
  • Module 4: Integration.

Course 3: Sports sponsorship activation.

  • Module 1: Activation of sponsorship.
  • Module 2: Types of activation.
  • Module 3: Key sponsorship indicators.
  • Module 4: Integration.

Course 4: Sports products and services management.

  • Module 1: Management of products and services.
  • Module 2: Executing the products and services plan.
  • Module 3: Product development strategy.
  • Module 4: Integration.

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Academic Calendar

The program will be held from Monday to Thursday, from 4:00 pm until 9:00 pm.

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