Master´s Degree inHigh Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning
Management team

Director of the Master's in High Performance Sport at UCAM. Director of Research Center for High Performance Sport at UCAM (ESP)

Deputy Executive Coordinator of the Master's in High Performance Sport at UCAM (ESP)
Faculty Members

Per Aagaard
paagaard@ucam.eduPhD-Professor at the Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics. Head of Research Unit "Muscle Physiology and Biomechanics". University of Southern Denmark (DEN)
- Program Design related to Strength and Conditioning

Luis María Alegre Duran
lmalegre@ucam.eduPhD-Professor and Director of Sports Science Department at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (ESP)
- Biomechanics and Movement Analysis

Ignacio Ara Royo
iroyo@ucam.eduPhD-Professor in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at the University of Castilla La Mancha. Director/Responsible for the Group of Investigation GENUD (ESP)
- Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

Jens Bangsbo
jbangsbo@ucam.eduPhD-Professor of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark); Director of the Integrative Physiology Center
- Exercise Physiology

Anthony Blazevich
ablazevich@ucam.eduPhD-Professor of Biomechanics in the School of Medical and Health Sciences. Director of Centre for Exercise and Sports Science Research. Edith Cowan University (AU)
- Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning

Julio Calleja González
jcalleja@ucam.eduPhD-Professor of Exercise Physiology at the University of the Basque Country. Applied Sport-Performance Scientist/ Strength and Conditioning Coach of several NBA basketball players (ESP)
- Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning
- Coordinator of Research and Computer Methods in Strength and Conditioning

Stéphane Dufour
sdufour@ucam.eduPhD-Professor of Human Physiology, Anatomy and Biomechanics at the University of Strasbourg (FRA)
- Exercise Physiology

David García López
davgarcialopez@gmail.comPhD-ViceRector of Research and International Affairs and Professor of Physical Activity and Sports Science at Miguel de Cervantes European University. President of NSCA Spain (ESP)
- Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning

Alejandro González Agüero
PhD-Department Director and Lecturer in the Department of Sports and Exercise Science at Zaragoza University (ESP)
- Sports Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids

Amelia Guadalupe Grau
aguadalupe@ucam.eduPhD-Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ESP). Research Coordinator in Hospital Virgen del Valle focusing on Biomedical Sciences. Associate Professor of Exercise Physiology, Copenhagen (DEN)
- Exercise Physiology

Mikel Izquierdo Redín
meizquierdo@ucam.eduPhD-Professor in Biomechanics and Department Director of Health Sciences at the Public University of Navarra (ESP)
- Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly
- Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning

José Antonio López Calbet
jalopez3@ucam.eduMD-PhD-Professor of Exercise Physiology at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ESP). Member of the Scientific committee of the ECSS
- Exercise Physiology

Nicola Maffiuletti
nmaffiuletti@ucam.eduPhD-Head at Human Performance Lab Schulthess Clinic. Zurich (SWI)
- Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning

PhD-Professor in Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at UCAM
- Coordinator of Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

Alejandro Martínez Rodríguez
amrodriguez@ucam.eduPhD-Professor in the University of Alicante. Doctorate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.
- Sports Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids

Iñigo Mujika Anton
imujika@ucam.eduPhD-Sports Physiologist and International Triathlon & Swimming coach. Associate Editor of International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. Associate Professor of Exercise Physiology in Universidad del País Vasco (ESP)
- Sports Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids

Antonio Paoli
apaoli@ucam.eduMD, PhD Professor of Exercise Physiology. Rector’s delegate for Sport and Wellness. Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Lab - Director. Dean of the Human Movement Sciences School. Department of Biomedical Sciences. University of Padova (ITA)
- Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

Fernando Pareja Blanco
fpareja@ucam.eduPhD-Professor in Exercise Science at Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla (ESP)
- Biomechanics and Movement Analysis

Jorge Pérez Gómez
jperez854@ucam.eduPhD-Associate Professor at Dept. Sport Sciences at University of Extremadura (ESP)
- Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

PhD-Director of International Chair of Statistic Analysis and Big Data (ESP)
- Research Methodology
- Research and Computer Methods in Strength and Conditioning

Bradley Schoenfeld
bschoenfeld@ucam.eduPhD-Lehman College, Expert on Fitness and Sports Nutrition. Assistant Editor-in-Chief: NSCA Strength and Conditioning Journal. Board of Directors: National Strength and Conditioning Association. Editorial Advisory Board: JISSN. Sports Nutrition Consultant
- Program Design as related to Strength and Conditioning

Carlos Treceño Lobato
ctreceno@ucam.eduPhD-Professor of Pharmacology and Nutrition at Miguel de Cervantes European University (ESP)
- Sports Nutrition and Ergogenic Aids

Tomás Trindade Freitas
tfreitas@ucam.eduResearcher at UCAM Research Center for High Performance Sport. Strength and Conditioning Coordinator UCAM CB Academy (ESP)
- Sports Nutrition and Ergoegenic Aids

Germán Vicente Rodríguez
gvicente@ucam.eduPhD-Dean and Professor of the Health and Sports Science PhD program at the University of Zaragoza (ESP)
- Strength Training and Conditioning in the Elderly

Joáo Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos
jpvilas@ucam.eduPhD-Professor of Physical Activity and Sports Science and Director of Biomechanics Lab at Porto University (POR)
- Biomechanics and Movement Analysis

Konstantinos Spyrou
kspyrou@ucam.eduPhD-Researcher at UCAM Research Center for High Performance Sport
- Coordinator of Scientific Principles in Strength and Conditioning

Casper Skovgaard Andersen
csandersen@ucam.eduPhD-Assistant Lecturer at University of Copenhagen (DNK)
- Exercise Physiology