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Students FAQs

¿Qué es la tutoría?

It’s a help that this university offers to the students who study in a face-to-face modality. It’s about putting at your disposal a person, a tutor, devoted to accompanying you during your university studies. Your tutor is a member of the teaching body of the degree, and his/her participation in it is real and effective.
You will have a series of personal interviews, arranged from time to time, with your tutor. Such interviews are not compulsory. They represent a right you have, not a duty. They will only take place if you want it, and the initiative can be yours or of your tutor.

In some occasions, you will be the one who goes to the tutor because you deem it necessary; in other occasions, the tutor will deem it appropriate to have an interview with you, and you will plan it in advance.
Such tutoring sessions are personalised and they take place in a climate of trust and absolute confidentiality.
This personalised support and orientation plan is intended for all the students of the University, with no exception, since it aims at complementing your training with contents that are not offered in class. The Personal Tutoring Sessions go beyond the academic aspect and they try to favour your growth.

The personal tutoring intends to:

  • Optimise your performance, since:
    • It favours your adaptation and integration in the University.
    • It advises and guides you in the management of your academic career.
    • It advises you in your study. It teaches you learning strategies and study techniques.
    • It helps you to manage your time, to plan, to make decisions, to discovers your professional interests.
  • It promotes your personal development, since:
    • It guides you in the acquisition of healthy lifestyles: sleep, exercise, rest...
    • It promotes the knowledge of yourself and it fosters your responsibility.
    • It works with you to develop personal and social abilities that facilitate your human and personal development.
    • It encourages you to base your life on strong values.

¿Qué no es tutoría?

Personal Tutoring is not as it was in high school. Here, the attention is individual and continuous throughout time.

  • Personal Tutoring is not the same as the support timetable of the students registered to a subject, or as the teaching tutoring. These are two different things. Each one has its own field of application.
  • Tutoring is not used to control you. Your tutor is not a police officer who monitors what you do.
  • Your tutor is not there to justify you before your teacher for your lack of attendance or the lack of participation in the course.
  • The tutor is not in charge of carrying out for you administrative tasks related to the secretariat or to the academic management.
  • Your tutor is not a “trouble-shooter” for the issues that you shall assume and resolve. Your tutor does not decide for you.

¿Para qué la tutoría?

Why does UCAM provide a personal tutor to each student?
Because you, as a student, and especially as a person, are unique and important. Ever since its beginning, UCAM established the Personal Tutoring as an answer to the academic and personal needs the students generally face when they start the University. With this personal attention, it will be easier for you to approach your university stage.

What are the difficulties that the students face when they start the University?
Among others, the lack of knowledge regarding the University as an educative institution, its functioning, the superficial information on the degree you are studying, the lack of knowledge on the scholarship system, the insufficient study techniques, knowledge and management of credits, lack of knowledge on continuous assessment, the obligatory nature of attendance, which entails a new way of life due to the fact of moving, to the modifications in your family environment, friends...

How do the Tutoring Sessions help us?
Your tutor knows well how your University and the study you carry out work.
He/she helps you recognise your abilities, interests, motivations, values and aptitudes.

How can I contact my tutor?
At the beginning of the year, you will find out who your tutor is, and he/she will explain to you the service and the functioning dynamics of the tutoring sessions.

If everything goes well with all the subjects and I have no problem... why do I need a tutor?
A shared happiness is an even bigger happiness. We seek your integral education and your training at all levels. The education process is something that never ends.

And if everything I want is to be a good professional in my career?
This is an additional reason. If you want to be a good professional, a fluent relationship with your tutor will help you to accomplish that.

¿Cómo trabaja el tutor?

How does the tutor contribute to my training?
By using two tools: the personalised interviews that you can have with him/her and the freely-definable seminars that we offer.

How can I take advantage of this service that UCAM offers me?
By attending the interviews with your tutor to define which aspects you can improve and how to do it.

What does the tutor do in the personalised interviews?
Your tutor guides and advises you on the issues you might raise to him/her by seeking to meet your expectations and he/she will ensure that your training is complete and that you set for yourself wider objectives and goals. But you will be the one who makes his/her own decisions.

Who’s responsible for the success of the interviews?
You and your interest in taking advantage from this service. For your tutor to advise you well, you must let him/her know you and your needs, concerns, fears, expectations... 

So, what should I expect from an interview?
You will find a space in which you can express yourself freely, and a qualified person to help you and listen to you, with whom you can share opinions in a relaxed and confidential environment.

What are the freely-definable seminars offered by the Tutoring Service?
These seminars address issues of general interest such as the modality to successfully deal with your studies, the way to benefit as effectively as possible from your time in the University, the importance of learning to think with accuracy to shape your own opinions.