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UCAM students and the Guardia Civil participate in a terrorist attack drill

Members of the Military School of Health have given practical training to the students of the UCAM Master's Degree in Emergency Nursing and Special Care

DRILL. Snapshot of the simulation of a terrorist attack held at the UCAM Campus in Murcia.
DRILL. Snapshot of the simulation of a terrorist attack held at the UCAM Campus in Murcia.

Alarms went off this morning in one of the buildings on the UCAM Campus in Murcia, and curious onlookers came to see what was going on in the lecture hall, where, in addition to medical staff, members of the Guardia Civil were also present at the door. But it was all part of the terrorist health care drill with active shooters carried out by students of the Master's Degree in Emergency Nursing, Emergencies and Special Care at the Universidad Católica de Murcia, as part of the subject ‘Care in Traffic Accidents, Incidents with Multiple Victims (IMV) and Catastrophes’.  

Nurses from the Escuela Militar de Sanidad (EMISAN, Military School of Health) have been in charge of training and giving instructions to the UCAM students, who have been in charge of the health care of the victims, including rescue and triage. Members of the Guardia Civil also took part, securing the perimeter and locating threats.   

Vanessa Arizo, Director of the Master's Degree, stressed the importance of this type of training, ‘in which we go beyond the care capabilities available at the time. The aim is to provide the most realistic scenario possible for our students’.   

Simulations, as realistic as possible, are a very important practice in different UCAM programmes, for which they count on the collaboration of specialised professional staff.