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UCAM in solidarity with earthquake victims in Syria and Türkiye

In memory of the deceased, students and workers observed a minute of silence at UCAM, which will collect financial contributions to be given through Caritas

UCAM in solidarity with earthquake victims in Syria and Türkiye
Students, professors and staff during the minute of silence

Recollection and prayer were the main features of this morning's image at the UCAM campuses in Murcia and Cartagena. Workers and students of the Universidad Católica de Murcia gathered to observe a minute's silence for the victims of the earthquake in Syria and Türkiye and participated in the symbolic act of lighting the ‘light of hope’ in memory of all those who died in the tragedy.

Antonio Alcaraz, UCAM Vice-Rector of University Outreach, remarked how important it is now to help those affected after the event: ‘All economic contributions we receive will be delivered to Caritas so that they can manage the needs on the ground, given that sending material is more difficult. They find it much easier to do it from there. In any case, we will keep an eye on what they ask of us in case we need to send any

kind of basic supplies’.

To help those affected, UCAM has set up the Bizum code 05056 and the bank account ES39 0049 0166 5829 9000 4028. All proceeds will be transferred to Caritas so that they can be used directly in the affected areas.