UCAM formalizes agreement with Daffodil International University of Bangladesh
A new agreement has been established to enable Bangladeshi students to complete a dual degree program of the Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) at UCAM
Once again, UCAM has proven its international spirit by signing an agreement with Daffodil International University (DIU) of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It offers DIU students the possibility to complete their studies at UCAM, starting in March 2016. After finishing their MBA courses in DIU, students can complete their studies in the Campus of Los Jerónimos from March to September thus obtaining a dual degree. Such partnerships enable students to extend their international network and to approach economic models with a new outlook.
“UCAM has already proved its will to become an international institution with the establishment of two Master’s Degrees in English” observes Alfonso Rosa, from the Business Administration and Management Degree. “With this program, the Catholic University confirms more than ever its determination to extend itself beyond Spain’s borders, particularly focusing on Asia.” Indeed, this MBA agreement with Bangladesh enriches the already wide range of international partnerships UCAM has in place with foreign universities. UCAM previously developed partnerships in MBA Studies with Mercu Buana (from Indonesia) and in University-Own Titles with the Aztec University (Austria), the Universidad Privada de Bolivia and the Alfred Ford School of Management (Belgium).
UCAM will welcome the representatives of the Bangladeshi University shortly after on the Campus of Los Jerónimos in the course of the next academic year.
MBAs are often seen as one of the highest degrees one can reach in the field of economics; it is thus a real pride to share such a program with the Bangladeshi University and there is no doubt that this is the beginning of a successful partnership with DIU.