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UCAM and Nanjing Sports Institute (China) to collaborate on training and research projects

Both institutions are internationally renowned for giving importance to to their dual degree programme for Olympic athletes

Both UCAM and NSI are internationally renowned for their support to Olympic athletes
Both UCAM and NSI are internationally renowned for their support to Olympic athletes

The Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM) and Nanjing Sports Institute (NSI) of China have signed a collaboration agreement. It was signed by María Dolores García, UCAM president, and Guoqing Yang, NSI president, who highlighted the prestige of UCAM in the area of sports and expressed his desire to work in the area of sports research, in joint doctoral programmes and also in establishing some dual degree programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. 

This collaboration, Yang believes, will be fruitful for both sides because ‘we have a lot of common ground. Both UCAM and NSI take great care of Olympic athletes and I consider this to be a key factor of cohesion between the two universities. 

Ernesto García, director of the UCAM Strategic Alliances Unit, highlighted the relevance of this agreement with NSI, the most important teaching institution in China in the field of sports: ‘The main objective of the agreement is, at the level of training, to host Chinese students in short courses, dual degree programmes and doctoral programmes. And, on the other hand, to establish lines of research. They are very interested in comparing UCAM's dual degree programme for Olympic athletes with the way these athletes are managed in China. 

This agreement will enable the development of a research and training relationship between the two universities. With this agreement, UCAM and NSI seek to strengthen their commitment to education and sport, especially in supporting Olympic athletes.