Six new companies joined the UCAM Industrial PhD program
Coca-Cola, Camposeven, HOP Ubiquitous, Plastics Romero, Only Doctors and the Institute of Cultural Industries Companies and Arts of the Region are added to the third edition of the Industrial PhD program of UCAM.
The Catholic University of Murcia during the third resolution of the Industrial PhD program in collaboration with this year six new companies in Regional and National level such as Coca-Cola, Camposeven, HOP Ubiquitous, Plastics Romero, Institute Cultural Industries and the Arts of the Region and Only Doctors.
First University of Spain
This initiative will allow these companies to incorporate their workforce to young researchers and develop their doctoral theses with them. UCAM is the first university in Spain to promote Industrial PhD program with these characteristics. It also shouldered the 50% of the salary of the researcher and doctoral rates. Similarly, they will serve the company and incorporate the researcher's experience of the doctors of UCAM. In return, these companies will help at all times, advise and direct the candidate to correct development of their project. The project will help the researcher to obtain the title of doctor at the mention of 'Industrial Doctorate' awarded by the Catholic University of Murcia and the company with an R + D + i strategy to improve their competitiveness.
In the presentation ceremony with Jose Luis Mendoza, president of the University, and Estrella Nunez, Vice President for Research, who delivered statements with the members of the university community, and representatives of different institutions and companies involved, who expressed their gratitude to UCAM for the implementation of programs like this that will connect between the institution and the industry. Adolfo Garcia Albaladejo, Camposeven partner and director, said the researcher’s project will be focused on the area of computer engineering and marketing; meanwhile the researchers of Plastics Romero will focus their work in the food sector, stressed Javier Gonzalez, manager of the company. Researchers that will to assign to Ubiquitous HOP, will have their work revolve around the new marketing management, stressed by its executive director, Antonio Jesus Jara. Jose Antonio Martinez, chief operating officer of the Institute of Cultural Industries and the Arts of the Region of Murcia has described his project will be focused on saving energy and protecting the environment while Miguel Pelegrin, from Only Doctors, will investigate health tourism.
José Luis Mendoza has highlighted the strong involvement of the UCAM in this program, which helps to boost the competitiveness of the regional and national business environment, encouraging research and innovation that will contribute to the internationalization of SMEs, while retaining talent and promoting quality jobs, enabling doctoral development of R + D + i in the company. "Everything changes, everything evolves. Not about making the best science, but science can do better help the world, "said Mendoza, who has announced that he is studying the possibility of creating a Campus of Excellence and School of Industrial Doctorates, aiming to continue moving forward with this project.
For his part, the Vice President for Research has outlined the diversity of sectors they belong to companies that joined the program. "We are talking about different areas, we can not make the mistake of thinking that only the technology industry; We have other companies that also need help, developments that can be investigated and can become industrial PhDs ".