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Record participation in the UCAM Science Olympiads 2024

This is the first time that this competition has included Communication, thus beginning the inclusion of Social Sciences within the UCAM Science Olympiads itinerary

Family photo of the Science Olympiads 2024
Family photo of the Science Olympiads 2024

Nearly 400 high school and vocational training students from 21 centres in the region are participating in the Science Olympiads organised by the UCAM Vice-Rector's Office for Research and the Murcia and Cartagena campuses, with co-funding from the Fundación Séneca. The Universidad Católica de Murcia seeks to reward academic excellence and awaken scientific vocations with this activity, as well as to support talent among young people.

The contestants have chosen one of the 13 available fields of study to prove their knowledge: Architecture, Building Engineering, Sport, Nursing, Civil Engineering, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Computer Engineering, Nutrition, Gastronomy, Biotechnology and Communication. This is the first time the latter field has been included, initiating the inclusion of Social Sciences within the UCAM's Scientific Olympiads itinerary. 

The winners will be announced soon. Those who win first prize will be awarded 100% of the enrollment fee for the first academic year. The second prize is 60% off and the third prize is 40% off, as well as different gadgets such as tablets and smartwatches. 

‘As we do every year, with these Science Olympiads we seek to promote the importance of effort and to awaken scientific vocations among young people. We open the UCAM doors for them to get to know our facilities and show their knowledge in different areas,’ said Estrella Núñez, UCAM Vice-Rector of Research.

Participating centres: 

Colegio Maristas La Sagrada Familia, Colegio Hispania, Colegio La Inmaculada Franciscanos, Colegio San Juan Bosco – Salesianos Cartagena, CEIPS San Agustín, Colegio Marista La Merced-Fuensanta, El Limonar International School Murcia, Colegio San Jorge, IES Pueblos de la Villa, IES Juan Carlos I, C.E.C. San Pedro Apóstol, Colegio de Fomento Monteagudo, IES La Flota, IES San Juan de la Cruz, IES Sierra Minera, IES Juan Sebastián El Cano, IES Ricardo Ortega, Colegio San Buenaventura Capuchinos, Colegio Miralmonte, Colegio San Vicente de Paúl y UCAM FP.