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Caritas receives the support of UCAM and its athletes in the social crisis

Caritas receives the support of UCAM and its athletes in the social crisis
Saúl Craviotto joins the Cáritas #CadaGestoCuenta campaign

Cáritas Diócesis de Cartagena and UCAM Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia launch a digital campaign to raise economic funds that involves outstanding athletes with the aim of increasing the economic resources available to respond to the needs of the most socially vulnerable persons and families facing COVID-19 and to accompany them in their process of inclusion.

The secretary general of Caritas, Juan Antonio Illán, has shown “appreciation towards UCAM, always willing to be at the service of the Murcian society and of the social challenges it presents”. The economic impulse aimed by the campaign “will allow to reach better a bigger number of persons who, in complex times like the ones we are living, do not have the resources nor a family and a social network that allows them to face their daily life with guarantees”.

José Luis Mendoza García, director of Institutional Relations of UCAM, highlights that the University could not remain uninvolved in such a dramatic situation: “Now that it seems that a health recovery is arriving, this tsunami that leaves thousands of families without jobs and economic resources strikes. Caritas is in the front line and UCAM and the clubs cannot do anything apart from accompanying and supporting this urgent task of the Church”.

Facing the health and social crisis, Caritas focuses its efforts on four areas in the Region of Murcia:

1.         Information, orientation, aids and follow-up for the persons at risk of social exclusion through face-to-face visits, phone calls and video calls. Launch of the Call Centre 868 043 849 for the coordination and management of new aid requests.

2.         The coverage of the basic food and hygiene needs for the vulnerable persons and families, by increasing the quantity of products, the working time and the human resources of the 170 Caritas centres in the community.

3.         Suitable and safe accommodation for homeless persons with 24 hours psychological support and supply of food, hygiene and health products in its network of shelters, foster homes and guest houses.

4.         Educational reinforcement for minors accompanied by Caritas in the Region prior to COVID-19, so that they continue their educative development with the support of social educators and volunteers having at their disposal in their homes the material and technological means.

The first estimates calculate a 23% increase in the number of families helped by Caritas as compared to the same period of the previous year. There was a 54% increase in Caritas daily services of prepared food and delivery. There was an 80% increase in the working hours of Caritas cooperative shops, to guarantee the security measures of the persons and the coverage of the demand. An increase of 54% was registered in the residential shelter spots for homeless persons.

UCAM and Fundación Católica San Antonio have been collaborating closely with Caritas in projects of awareness and voluntary work focused on social inequalities and on the commitment that Christians have with their approach.

The video #CadaGestoCuenta (every action counts), produced by UCAM, adds to the campaign for the mobilisation of economic resources launched by Caritas under the slogan #LaCaridadNoCierra (charity does not close) with the approval of the State of Alarm decree. Outstanding Olympic athletes of the University participate in the video, such as Mireia Belmonte, Lydia Valentín, Saúl Craviotto and Alejandro Valverde; and also, players and technicians of the professional clubs. Sadiel Rojas, Jarrell Eddie and Sito Alonso (UCAM Murcia CB); Rafa de Vicente and Adán Gurdiel (UCAM Murcia CF); and 'Future' (UCAM Esports). 



Website of Cáritas Diócesis de Cartagena:

Bizum: 33528
