José Ignacio Sánchez, President of the Council of Fraternities in Murcia, has described the use of this technology as an "international novelty" that allows anyone to enjoy a fully "real" visit
The project, led by the Deliberative Democracy Lab of Stanford University, has used the deliberative democracy methodology to bring together more than 6,000 people from 32 countries on its online platform, divided into small groups where they discussed the management of closed virtual spaces. in the metaverse.
Miguel Alcaraz has completed the virtualisation of one of Museum’s rooms, with works by Nicolás De Bussy and Roque López. The result will be available to everyone visiting the website of the Archconfraternity (Archicofradía)
Canvas, used by universities in the United States such as Harvard, Stanford and MIT; or in the United Kingdom such as Oxford, Swansea and Newcastle; encourages teaching innovation and student participation
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