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Business Administration

Modern Languages

Debates on Literary Texts I63rd
Work placement - first language country I93rd
German V63rd
Contemporary German Society33rd
French V63rd
Contemporary French Society     33rd


Literature and Film4,54th
Writing Techniques and Strategies4,54th
Work placement - second language country II94th
German VII64th
Contemporary German Geopolitics34th
French VII64th
Contemporary French Geopolitics34th
Latin-American Civilisation and Culture I33rd
Social Doctrine of the Church33rd
Debates on Literary Texts II63rd
German VI63rd
Contemporary German Economy 33rd
French VI63rd
Contemporary French Economy33rd


Oral Communication Techniques & Strategies64th
Bibliographic Resources    34th
Text Analysis, Proof Reading Editing    34th
Final Year Project124th

Physical Activity and Sport Sciences


Psychology of Physical-Sporting Activities62nd
Physiology of Sport62nd
Biomechanics of Sport62nd


Teaching and Learning Processes in Physical Activities and Sport    63rd
Sports Training Methodology4.53rd
Health Education63rd
Organisation and Management of Sport Systems4.53rd
Adapted and Inclusive Sports33rd


Epistemology and Methodology of Research in Sport Sciences62nd
Sociology of Sport62nd
Learning, Development and Motor Control    62nd
Handball and Volleyball62nd


Design, Administration & Assassment of Physical Activity & Sport63rd
Sports Training Methodology63rd
Physical Exercise Prescription63rd
Physical Conditioning63rd
Sports Equipment and Facilities4.53rd



Subjects Optional
  • New Technologies and Innovation in Physical Education (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Diversity in Physical Education (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • School Sport (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Assessment and Control of Physical-Sports Performance (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • New Trends in Fitness (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Sports Technification (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Physical Exercise for Health and Quality of Life in Special Populations (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Injury Prevention in Physical-Sports Activities (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Nutrition and Kinanthropometry (OP 4.5 ECTS)
  • Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Sport (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Sports Economics and Marketing (OP, 4.5 ECTS)
  • Human Team Management (OP, 4.5 ECTS)

Primary Education


International Business and Culture Program

New scenery in politics 5Geopolitical, political and social trends are shaping fast the new century scenery. In this course we will strive to understand how these elements are determining our future: our wellbeing, our welfare and our security.
Cross-cultural communication and business behaviour5The current globalization seems to present an ideal environment for companies to be successful anywhere in the world. Only by knowing perfectly our target country business culture should we be able to start doing business. If not, a high risk of failure would be present.
Marketing: new trends in the european union context5Managing online identity and how to use it to craft a professional future, building communities and monitoring online conversations will be some of the contents in this subject.

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