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UCAM Professor to lead the International Conference on Intelligent Environments

UCAM Professor to lead the International Conference on Intelligent Environments
International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 2017

The thirteenth edition will be held in Seoul in August next year, with universities from around the world and large companies from the sector, such as Samsung and LG participating.

Andrés Muñoz, Professor of the Computer Engineering Department at the Catholic University of Murcia, has been named 'General Chair' of the XIII International Conference on Intelligent Environments, involving universities and large companies in the industry. The latest developments in artificial intelligence, applied to environments of human interaction, will be discussed and exhibited.

The Catholic University of Murcia, through Dr. Muñoz Ortega, paired with the universities, Chung-Ang (South Korea) and Minho (Portugal) will be in charge of organizing and structuring the thirteenth edition of the International Congress on Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Seoul in August, 2017.

Representatives from universities and companies such as, Samsung and LG will meet at this event, which aims to pool the latest advances to improve how computers understand human behavior in daily processes like work or while driving.

Professor Andrés Muñoz Ortega has participated in the conference for five years. His teaching and research work at the Catholic University of Murcia has supported his appointment as 'General Chair,' a position he will occupy during this edition, due to his experience in the application of intelligent systems to areas such as, smart cars and building the University's own, Virtual Campus.

The conference for 'Intelligent Environments' will offer innovations that improve the quality of life for people, as they can help control the evolution of an illness or disease. "Smart houses, using technology, can represent a way to help older people who live alone and suffer some pathology or are at risk of falling," he acknowledges.