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UCAM places the student at the centre of university life at the 'QS Higher Summit Europe'

The event was held in Sitges (Barcelona), where experts and Higher Education institutions from all over the world met to address the challenges faced by universities.

A large UCAM delegation has participated in the 'QS Higher Education Summit Europe',
A large UCAM delegation has participated in the 'QS Higher Education Summit Europe',

A large UCAM delegation has participated in the 'QS Higher Education Summit Europe', which was held in Sitges, Barcelona. A meeting that brought together Higher Education institutions from around the world and in which UCAM members have highlighted the figure of the student as the centre of university life in their speeches. The event was organised by the company specialised in the analysis of higher education institutions around the world Quacquarelli Symonds (Qs) and it was hosted by EU Business School, a partner institution of the Universidad Católica de Murcia. 

The university expedition was led by José Luis Mendoza, UCAM General Director of Institutional Relations, and Estrella Núñez, Vice-Rector of Research, accompanied by Marco Bruno, director of International Development, and Pau Guardiola, director of Multimedia, who participated as speakers, as well as other members of the international and rankings area. 

The UCAM participants emphasised the Catholic ideology of their institution and highlighted the use of the most advanced technologies to provide students with the best possible experience and to place them at the centre of university life, as well as the use of data-based strategies to stimulate students' interest in studying at UCAM. Throughout the event, they also held meetings with various institutions and signed collaboration agreements, especially in the area of research.