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UCAM, the most transparent private university in Spain

UCAM especially stands out in 'Public communication', 'Participation and collaboration' and 'Institutional transparency'.

Campus de la UCAM en Murcia
Campus de la UCAM en Murcia

The latest report on the transparency of Spanish universities drawn up by the platform Dynamic Transparency Index (Dyntra) places the Universidad Católica de Murcia as the most transparent private university in Spain, after analysing 169 indicators in a total of 27 private universities. UCAM especially stands out in 'Public communication', 'Participation and collaboration' and 'Institutional transparency'. Dyntra is characterised by being dynamic and working in real time, which means that the evaluations are permanently updated, and the level of transparency can be modified at any time.

The institution shows its commitment to transparency by offering information of interest regarding the University through a specific web portal, which includes aspects such as its cornerstones, organisational chart, strategic plan, data on the University's teaching staff and personnel, academic performance results or the employability and integration of its graduates into the labour market.

These results therefore endorse the process of continuous improvement in which UCAM is immersed, also in terms of transparency.

Dyntra develops a collaborative platform that aims to measure the public information of governments, public administrations, political parties, elected officials and different social actors, in this case universities, in a dynamic, efficient, transparent and open way.