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UCAM holds Corporate Social Responsibility meeting

UCAM will take action to become a socially responsible institution&nbsp;<br /> <br /> &nbsp;

UCAM holds Corporate Social Responsibility meeting
Meeting of Corporate Social Responsibility at UCAM Campus

The Campus of Los Jeronimos welcomed Victor Meseguer - an International Professor in Corporate Social Responsibility of UCAM; José Luis Mendoza Garcia, director of UCAM Institutional Relations; José Manuel Pérez 'Pericles' social entrepreneur of Ashoka Spain; and Javier Celdrán, director of INFO on 5th May 2016. 

The ceremony had the participation of Juan Monzó, CEO of Universities and representatives of business network and social charity action.

Victor Meseguer, who led the presentation, expressed his thanks to UCAM for their support to the implementation of this issue and highlighted that Corporate Social Responsibility was considered as an encyclical of Pope Francisco at Laudato Si Congress held at UCAM last March.

Meseguer stated that UCAM will apply CSR to its programs as titles of Human Rights and Corporate Social Innovation, CSR and Human Resources, and Masters in Sustainability and CSR Corporate Diplomacy.

José Luis Mendoza Garcia, director of UCAM Institutional Relations, expressed his satisfaction with this initiative as well as the great support from different sectors of society.

Meanwhile, Jose Manuel Perez 'Pericles' stressed in his speech that "in Spain, I think there are two subjects who use CSR: people who believe and others who use it as marketing". UCAM can apply CSR in the training of athletes so they can have a professional future when they retire from their competing life.