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UCAM celebrates its Science Olympiad awards ceremony with record number of participants

The winners of the UCAM Science Olympiads with their awards
The winners of the UCAM Science Olympiads with their awards

The winners of the 2024 Scientific Olympics of the Universidad Católica de Murcia, co-funded by the Fundación Séneca, received their awards this weekend, as part of the UCAM Olympic Zone activities held in the Plaza Circular square in Murcia. Estrella Núñez, Vice-Rector of Research, and Miriam Mendoza, Coordinator responsible for the Cartagena Campus, presented the awards for this year's competition, which broke the participation record with more than 400 entries. 

The first place winners in each of the categories were awarded 100% of the enrolment fee for the first year of the degree programme of their choice related to the subject in which they participated; the second place winners received 60%, and the third place winners 40%, as well as technological gifts.

Students from different educational centres in the Region of Murcia took the tests last March, in the fields of Architecture, Communication, Sport, Nursing, Civil Engineering, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Computer Engineering, Building Engineering, Gastronomy and Biotechnology. 

UCAM, together with the Séneca Foundation, promote the scientific vocation of high school and vocational training students in the region with this event. As highlighted by Estrella Núñez: ‘we are proud to see how school teachers are involved, encouraging their students to participate in these Olympics, which aim to inspire young people with the values of effort and excellence, as well as to awaken scientific vocations in them’.

Participating centres

The following educational centres participated in this edition: Colegio Maristas La Sagrada Familia, Colegio Hispania, Colegio La Inmaculada Franciscanos, Colegio San Juan Bosco – Salesianos Cartagena, CEIPS San Agustín, Colegio Marista La Merced-Fuensanta, El Limonar International School Murcia, Colegio San Jorge, IES Pueblos de la Villa, IES Juan Carlos I, C.E.C. San Pedro Apóstol, Colegio de Fomento Monteagudo, IES La Flota, IES San Juan de la Cruz, IES Sierra Minera, IES Juan Sebastián Elcano, IES Ricardo Ortega, Colegio San Buenaventura Capuchinos, Colegio Miralmonte, Colegio San Vicente de Paúl and UCAM FP.



Nursing Cartagena 

1st Jaime Horrillo Castell (Colegio Hispania)

2nd Eva Marín Borrego (Colegio Maristas - La Sagrada Familia)

3rd María Alcaraz Guardiola (Colegio La Inmaculada Franciscanos)

Nursing Murcia

1st Jimena Carrión Provencio (Colegio Maristas La Merced - Fuensanta)

2nd Emma Díaz López (El Limonar International School of Murcia)

3rd Sofía Jimeno Cánovas (Colegio Maristas - La Sagrada Familia)

Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Cartagena

1st José Fuentes Alcaraz (Colegio Maristas- La Sagrada Familia)

2nd David Yáñez Gambín (La Inmaculada Franciscanos)

Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Murcia

1st Isabel Rubira Máiquez (Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional UCAM)

2nd Alejandro José López Muñoz (Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional UCAM)

3rd Pedro Palazón García (Colegio San Jorge)


1st Sofía Jimeno Cánovas (Colegio Maristas - La Sagrada Familia)

2nd Pedro López Conesa (Colegio Maristas - La Sagrada Familia)

3rd Adrián Segundo Ruiz Sánchez (IES Ricardo Ortega)

3rd Elia del Castillo Font (Colegio Maristas - La Sagrada Familia)


1st Eduardo Calvache Martínez (Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional UCAM)

2nd Santiago Alvarado Azorín (Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional UCAM)

3rd Lucía Espinosa Bernabéu (Instituto Superior de Formación Profesional UCAM)


1st Jorge Sáez Moya (CEC San Pedro Apóstol)

2nd Nouhayla Atmuni Rachdi (IES Ricardo Ortega)

3rd María Carina Ciobanu  (IES Pueblos de la Villa)

Building Services Engineering 

1st María Roca Ramón (El Limonar International School of Murcia)

2nd María Gallego Ortín (Colegio San Buenaventura Capuchinos)

3rd Marta Ros Ibáñez (Colegio Hispania)

Computer Engineering

3rd Jaime Ruiz Ródenas (Colegio Maristas Murcia La Merced – Fuensanta)

Civil Engineering

1st Julia García Soto (Colegio San Buenaventura Capuchinos)

2nd Víctor Cózar Alcaina (Colegio San Buenaventura Capuchinos)

3rd Salvador Huertas Abad (Colegio de Fomento Monteagudo)


1st Eduardo Martínez-Artero Laso (Colegio de Fomento Monteagudo)

2nd Guillermo Sánchez Sánchez (Colegio San Buenaventura Capuchinos)

3rd Mercedes Varona Beillo (Colegio Maristas- La Sagrada Familia)


1st Cosme Bernabé Grau (Colegio de Fomento Monteagudo) 

2nd Miguel Rubio Castañer (Colegio San Jorge)

3rd José Alemán Pedro (Colegio San Jorge)


1st Jose Luis Esteban González (IES La Flota)

2nd Miguel Garre Garre (IES La Flota)

3rd José Albino Vicente Luna (IES La Flota)