UCAM breaking scientific boundaries
Last week UCAM celebrated the V session on Investigation and Doctorate “Science without Limits”, where more than two hundred national and international researchers were present, centered in eliminating the boundaries that prevent from finding solutions to the big problems of the society.
More than two hundred researchers presented at UCAM their proposals regarding thematics like process of analysis, design of models and poblational studies. Through the presentation of these investigations, it was concluded at the scientific session at the University, that science is the motor of sustainable development. The event was inaugurated by the Rector of UCAM, Josefina García Lozano, together with the vice-rectorate of Investigation, Estrella Núñez, and with the director of Fundación para el Conocimiento de Madrid (a Spanish foundation), Federico Morán.
During the act, Estrella Núñez, vice-rectorate of the Catholic University, insisted, that “with these terms we wanted to reference the boundaries as wide as it goes, not only the physical boundaries, but also this other kind of boundary that, even though it’s not visible, they exist and sometimes make so that science doesn’t get to shine in all its glory”. Furthermore, she added that it’s necessary to talk about the Open Access movement, about sharing science with the society, of the academic mobility of investigators, of the mobility of investigators in the business world, or of the socio-political situation of now and the influence of the migratory phenomenons in science.
Among the various activities on sharing science during the session in UCAM, where doctoral candidates of the doctorate programs in Health Sciences, Technology and Computer Sciences, Sport Sciences and Social Sciences participated in, the panel discussion was one of the highlights. National and international first-level researchers participated in the panel, such as Iván Claudio Suazo Galdames, vice-rector of Investigation and Postgraduate from the Autonomous University of Chile; José Antonio Gutiérrez Fuentes, director of GADEA Foundation for Science, and Borja Izquierdo Alonso, director of the European Office of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology FECYT.
During the sessions, the final of the competition ‘My thesis in three minutes’ was also celebrates at the Catholic University of Murcia. The goal of this competition is to award the communicative and performance abilities of the doctorate candidates from the International School of Doctorate at UCAM, classifies the day before in an event held at the TV studio of the University. The three finalists, Amparo Roca Sabater, Beatriz Muñoz Rosique and Antonio Serrano Fernández, from the doctorate programs of Social Sciences, Health Sciences and Computer and Environmental Engineering Sciences, have been awarded with a scholarships of 100%, 75% and 50% from the doctorate program fees of next year.