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Specialist in developmental biology, Juan Carlos Izpisua, is new professor at UCAM

As of last year the researcher has also been awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by the University.


The Catholic University of Murcia demonstrates, once more, its firm commitments to cutting-edge research, with the creation of the Department of Developmental Biology, which will operate under the direction of a specialist in this field, Juan Carlos Izpisua, who has also been appointed as `Extraordinary Professor´ by the University.


This is a major step in terms of quality for the institution; firstly, because of the investigations carried out in collaboration with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in LaJolla (California, USA) and secondly, because of the importance of Izpisua, who is renowned internationally for his research.


As pointed out by the Vice President for Research at thte Catholic University of Murcia, Estrella Núñez, "for UCAM, it is important that scientists of the stature of Dr. Izpisua perceive the University as a great contributor to the development of their research, because this means they can see the University´s potential for research".


UCAM´s Doctor Honoris Causa


Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua was appointed Doctor Honoris Causa by the University last year. During the ceremony, the prestigious orthopedic surgeon Pedro Guillén said that Izpisua´s vital research in cells and his "understanding of cells as an opportunity for medical therapy bring him very close to achieve the Nobel Prize".

