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Pedro Guillen: "Exercise is medicine"

Pedro Guillen, honorary Dean of Medicine at UCAM stated in the closing of the International Congress on Sports Injury Prevention and XXIV National Conference of Sports Traumatology

Pedro Guillen: "Exercise is medicine"
Closure of the International Congress on Sports Injury Prevention

The "Third International Congress of Sports Injury Prevention and XXIV National Conference of Sports Traumatology ' held its closing ceremony at the Catholic University of Murcia. During these three days, national and international experts in the field of injury prevention and rehabilitation in soccer exchanged knowledge and revealed the latest developments through their research while  working  with some of the most important clubs in the world. The closing ceremony was closed by: Pedro Guillen, ; Ricardo Leiva, director of the Spanish Olympic Committee Sports; Pedro Manonelles, president of the Spanish Society of Sports Medicine; José Luis Martínez Romero, director of the Department of Sport Traumatology UCAM; and Pedro Emilio Alcaraz, director of the Research Center and High Performance Sports UCAM.

Dr. Pedro Guillen congratulated the organizers of the conference and considered UCAM as " the world's most promoting sports university". He sent a message to those who,,  start training and preparing long-distance races: "sports are a part of the quality of life. Exercise is medicine.  Diabetics or people with heart problems should walk, It can cure them.". After a long time exercising, people say that they are fine but

Besides Dr. Guillen, advanced professionals of all subjects who participated in the Congress stated that "this conference shows greatly fragmented knowledge in this field. The trainers and experts in high performance have great value in sport and they are willing to help".

Raquel Blasco, researcher, and professor at the University of Valladolid ended the  conference. In his speech, he stressed the importance of knowing the products consumed to promote athletic performance and prevent injuries.