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New Council on Plastic Dermatology: Unique in Spain

The Catholic University of Murcia has launched the council together with Manuel Asín Llorca, dermatologist specialist, who will be leading the activity.

New Council on Plastic Dermatology: Unique in Spain
Doctor Manuel Asín Llorca and José Luis Mendoza, president of UCAM

This novel council was born to develop investigations and educational activities in areas such as cosmetic plastic dermatology and the medical surgery, trichology, prevention of dermal cancer or the creation of healthy habits for being under the sun for the communities. Until this moment, the Catholic University of Murcia and the company directed by Dr. Asín have been collaborating in the development of two research projects - that have already been requested for a patent - that will now be reinforced by creating this council, which is unique in Spain.

“It’s an important part of dermatology, furthermore, completely demanded by the society. The idea is, that UCAM students will part with the best education also in this area” — Doctor Asín

The agreement was initialed by José Luis Mendoza, president of UCAM, and by Manuel Asín Llorca, specialist in dermatology, and the founding member of the entity Manuel Asín Llorca. We will be leading the new council created. Estrella Nuéz, vice-rectorate of Investigation of University took also part in the signing of the agreement on the council.