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The Inter-University Council has approved the Bachelor's Degree in Principles of Architecture and the UCAM Master

In addition to the Master's Degree in Architecture, the Council has approved the Master's Degree in Physical Exercise and Health Training and the Master's Degree in Strategic Project Management.

The Universidad Católica de Murcia has received the approval of the Inter-University Council, a consultative body of the Regional Ministry of Business, Employment, Universities and Spokesperson's Office, for the launch of the Bachelor's Degree in Principles of Architecture and the Master's Degree in Architecture, a qualification required to be able to practice this profession. These new degrees will be taught for the first time in the next academic year (2022/23).  

By launching this degree, which is called Principles of Architecture + Master's Degree in Architecture, and qualifies students to work as architects, UCAM, which has been teaching the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture since 2008, aligns with European universities in this field. Josefina García, Rector of UCAM, stresses that "updating these studies and adapting them to the European structure means improving their quality with a much more specific training programme, updated to the new competencies of the architect profession." 

In addition, the Council has also approved the teaching of the Master's Degrees in Physical Exercise and Health Training  and Strategic Project Management

Moreover, ANECA and the General Council of University Policy approved the implementation of the Bachelor's Degree in Veterinary, with 60 places, for the next academic year 2022-23. It is currently being evaluated by the CARM.