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Graduation of the tenth UCAMPACITAS class

In this training programme, young people with intellectual disabilities have acquired academic, professional and personal skills that will facilitate their integration into the labour market.

Los Jerónimos Campus hosted one of the most emotional graduation ceremonies of the UCAM: the tenth graduating class of the UCAMPACITAS programme, an initiative of José Luis Mendoza, UCAM founder. Accompanied by their families and lecturers, the students received their University Degree in Business and Social Work Activities Technician in an emotional ceremony, in which they showed their spirit of self-improvement and their desire to get a job in order to develop the knowledge acquired throughout their training.

The ceremony was presided over by María Dolores García, UCAM President, accompanied by Marta Rodríguez, Director of the Programme, and Juan María Vázquez, Regional Minister for the Environment, Universities, Research and the Mar Menor of the Region of Murcia.

The UCAM president shared her joy and enthusiasm at this graduation ceremony, where she had a very special thought for her husband, José Luis Mendoza, noting that ‘surely he will be very happy about this event in Heaven’. She stressed how the new graduates ‘are an example of self-improvement’, and addressed them directly: ‘I invite you to thank God for your families who fought for you and looked for many ways to help you’.

The new graduates were deeply grateful for this training. This was emphasised by David, representative of the students, who stated in his speech that ‘these have been two very interesting years in which we have learned so much, and we are grateful to UCAM and to the companies and institutions that have welcomed us for our internships’. 

Facilitating their integration into the labour market

Thanks to the UCAMPACITAS training programme, young people with intellectual disabilities are trained for two years at the Universidad Católica de Murcia in academic, professional and personal skills, including a trimester of work experience in companies in different sectors. 

UCAM launched this project in 2012 on the initiative of its founder, José Luis Mendoza, aiming to facilitate the integration of these people into the labour market. A considerable number of these students have joined the staff of the Fundación Universitaria San Antonio over the years.