Student Information (Cartagena)
Attention hours
Mornings: 09:30am to 13:30pm
Afternoons: 17:00pm to 19:00pm
Contact information
Phone: (+34) 968 78 79 01 (Ext. 901)
Ground floor of the Presidency Building
C/ Porto Alegre, s/n 30310
To inform about the admission to our University, to promote UCAM and its studies.
- Attention to the student
- Attention to those interested in studying at UCAM, either by interview, phone call or email.
- Elaboration of information documents that are used to promote the studies and activities developed at UCAM (Admission Guide, Institutional Book, Academic Report, triptychs,...).
- Dissemination of internal and external information (postal mail, e-mail, bulletin boards, posters and electronic screens)
- Attendance at fairs to publicize our studies and activities.
- Telephone attention.
- Contact with UCAM's Communication Office to disseminate relevant information in the media.
- Service quality management.
- Search for external information and new contacts.
- Statistics for internal departments and external bodies.
- Promotional visits from HEIs, ESCs and other groups.
- Contact with internal departments and services to search for information of interest.
- SIE web maintenance.
- To act as an INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT CENTRE for information.
- To promote and give a true image of UCAM.
- To promote data analysis and knowledge of the university environment in order to maintain UCAM in the market.