IMPORTANTE: Instructions
Access Medicina
Health Sciences/ Food Industry
On this website, McGraw-Hill publishing house provides materials in Spanish from different specialties within healthcare, including books, recordings of medical procedures, self-assessment manuals for exam preparation and the Vademecum in Medical Documentation.
Aranzadi Insignis
Legal Sciences
An innovative portal for legal research which provides a holistic approach. Users will be able to manage and store information on each case.
Health Sciences
This scientific institution, specialised in nursing, is recognised both nationally and internationally. Among other tasks, it focuses on developing new research lines and making professional networks, as well as database creation and training sessions. This institution also fosters science seminars where the main concerns are caring for patients from culturally-diverse backgrounds and focusing on the human aspect of nursing.
ClinicalKey Student Dentistry
Health Sciences
This website includes the latest materials for basic concepts and subjects of all clinical areas. Users will have access to world-renowned textbooks in dentistry, photographic databases to enhance visual learning, summaries, clinical scenarios, and iconography for educational use. They will also be provided with supporting materials for assignments and competence skills.
ClinicalKey Student Nursing
Health Sciences
A platform that helps students learn in a smarter way, with access to nursing reference content and powerful interactive study tools.
ClinicalKey Student Medicine
Health Sciences
This is an interactive training platform for an optimised learning experience. It provides students and teachers with enhanced reference materials by using interactive tools for an active studying process.
Cuadernos de Pedagogía
Cuadernos de Pedagogía has been a reference point for the exchange of ideas and teaching
experiences, educational innovation, improvement of teaching quality and school change for
more than 40 years.
Health Sciences
DynaMed combines the highest quality evidence-based information, expert guidance and a
user-friendly, personalised experience to deliver accurate answers fast at the point of care. The
best and most up-to-date evidence-based scientific information, recommendations, information
on medicines (IBM Micromedex), guidelines, medical calculators, etc.
EBSCO HOST - Research Databases
This database offers a wide range of full texts, indexes, periodicals and scholar publications that cover different areas of the sciences and humanities.
This database grants access to full texts published in Spanish by renowned publishing houses, all in digital format. It also includes multiple interactive tools on their website to simplify the reading and studying of such texts.
Elservier Clinical Skills
Health Sciences
This online tool is designed to enhance the learning process for nursing techniques and procedures. In order to provide students with examples of different procedures, this tool includes video recordings and computer animations.
Bibliographic Manager
This web-based tool helps with database management and generates citations automatically. It allows you to create your own database by generating and importing citations and references from text files or online databases.
Health Sciences Portal
It is an information portal for Spanish speakers gathering the largest General Nursing Library and Encuentr@, the most reliable and comprehensive search engine in the nursing field, on the same digital platform.
Health Sciences
Eureka is the e-book database of Editorial Médica Panamericana, which contains all the books digitised since 2007 as well as complementary resources to be used in the academic world.
Access *Temporarily only available through the University Campus
It encompasses all publishing activities (books and magazines). This organisation manages more than 27,000 files in digital education.
Guía de Medios
A database of the Infoperiodistas platform that provides practical and referential information on media, advertising rates and professionals in the sector. It is updated daily and offers information on more than 7750 media, by sector, subject, or field, as well as information on professionals. In addition to the contact details of the media, you can consult the supplements, editions, characteristics, audience profiles, OJD (Oficina de Justificación de la Difusión) control or management teams.
An online platform which stores over 400 monographs on engineering, science and architecture.
Journal Citation Reports™ (JCR)
Journal Citation Reports™ (JCR) provides you with the transparent, publisher-neutral data and statistics you need to make confident decisions in today’s evolving scholarly publishing landscape, whether you’re submitting your first manuscript or managing a portfolio of thousands of publications.
MyNews Hemeroteca Digital, with editorial content since 1996, is the leading journalistic
documentation tool in Spain. It is a press database which serves as a reference for journalists
and documentation professionals, and which stores more than 250 million articles from 1,500
media outlets.
NNNConsult is the online tool that allows you to easily look up the standardised languages of the diagnoses developed by Nanda International (NANDA), the outcomes of the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), the interventions of the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and the links between them.
Ovid Technologies offers access to almost every reference database through its platform: Medline, Cinahl, Embase, Psycinfo, Inspec, Ei Compendex Plus, Biosis, Current Contents, etc.
Business and Social Sciences
SABI INFORMA is an information analysis software that includes information from more
than 2.9 million national companies and more than 900,000 Portuguese companies,
allowing you to perform the best financial and marketing analysis.
Health Sciences
Sciencedirect is a selection of journals in Health Sciences and Engineering from the former publishing house DOYMA.
Scopus is a bibliographic database of abstracts and citations of scientific journal articles.
Springer Link provides full-text access to approximately 1400 journals with multidisciplinary subject coverage by compiling journals of the former Springer-Verlag publishing house (available from 1 January 2007) and K luwer Academic Publishers.
Tirant lo blanch
Legal Sciences
IThe Tirant Virtual Library includes all its books published since 2005. It has more than 7500
works (as of December 2022), and instantly incorporates all the new titles published by Editorial
Tirant (Tirant publishing house) in the fields of Law, Social Sciences and Humanities.
Tirant Virtual Library - User guide
Legal Sciences
This website is the most comprehensive and the only international legal platform in Spain which offers full-text access (with contents from more than 100 countries and automatic translation tool included). It includes a wide range of publications, from Jurisprudence and Legislation to the most extensive Virtual Legal Library with full texts, Contracts and Forms, Collective Agreements, News, etc.
Web of Science (WOS)
It is a web-based platform where the most relevant references of scientific publications from any field of expertise have been included.